пятница, 26 сентября 2014 г.



Any scientist is a person, a part of our planet. Everyone can have an access to all that diversity of ideas, existing in the form of elementary particles of different plans - free and in the form of conglomerates. "Ideas are in the air" - is not figurative expressions, and literal. Most of the ideas owning by human minds are really worn in the Earth's atmosphere. These ideas are information, all kinds of behavior programs, algorithms, or simply action images that tell us something. These "ideas" are worn not only in the air. They also penetrate dense and liquid bodies and environment. However, in a gaseous environment there are them more of all.
Obviously, the scientists, the creators of quantum mechanics - Einstein, Planck, and Bohr - were influenced by the idea of ​​being in the universe confrontation between two main principles - Matter and Spirit, Yin and Yang. Probably this influence over can explain the famous postulate of quantum mechanics declaring the possibility of interconversion of mass and energy. Of course, the concepts of quantum mechanics can be criticized and many of them to refute. In one way or another we will do it.
Let's talk about the fact that we are satisfied with the above postulate of interconversion and what does not and why.
In our book it claims that energy is a synonymous with Spirit, the second aspect of God. However, any particle (Soul) is a union of Matter and Spirit. Studying quantum mechanics we can easily see that its creators contrasted the mass and energy in the same way as in the occultism Matter and Spirit are opposed. Energy from the standpoint of science – is a warm, light, electromagnetic or radioactive radiation. Mass is chemical elements and all of them is. Mass is that radiates energy.
Equate energy on the one hand and the product of mass and velocity of the other, Einstein essentially invented nothing new. And earlier, in classical mechanics there are at least three formulas describing the dependence of energy from mass:
T = mυ ² / 2 (kinetic energy);
p = mυ (impulse);
F = mυ / t (Force).
A new was an application of the laws of classical mechanics (created for macroscopic objects) in respect to micro-objects. And the novelty contained in the statement is that mass (chemical elements, substance) can be converted into energy and evaporate. That is, in representation of quantum mechanics there is something like mass evaporation.
Surely the founders of quantum mechanics are very pleased and inspired by the idea that they can shake or even destroy one of the "untouchables" conservation laws - the Law of Conservation of Mass that argued that the matter does not arise out of nothing and does not disappear. In some ways of course, they were right. The very process of heating chemical elements is a process of transformation, i.e. a changing of the quality of particles that make up these elements. Heating of a particle – it is really "Matter, ascended to Heaven", Matter, changing its quality and turning into Spirit. If you remember, in the transformation process of particles Yin often in the rear hemisphere a Field of Repulsion appears. And in Yan particles the Field of Repulsion increases. This process is called in occultism as "Matter Ascension to Heaven", "Ignition of Lights" and "Rising of Kundalini".
Mass in science is a symbol of Matter. Energy is a symbol of Spirit. So, as you can see, quantum mechanics remotely grasped an existence of the Law of Transformation. Quality of particles is capable to change – Mass is able to ascend to the state of Energy and comes back.
However we partially attributed to quantum mechanics what it has not. Yet under the interconversion of mass and energy quantum mechanics understood completely different, distinct from our perceptions. Mass in their understanding - it is rather an amount of substance. And its value may increase or decrease depending on whether it absorbs or emits that what is called Energy.
Energy in quantum mechanics in contrast to mass - is something immaterial. Despite the fact that "quantum scientists" believe that energy is emitted and absorbed by quanta, "portions", yet in their view this energy after emission or absorption is scattered, spread out like a drop in the ocean. I.e. in quantum mechanics, quantum of energy exists only in moments of emission and absorption. The rest time all energy is one. In this respect, quantum mechanics is in solidarity with the wave theory of Huygens. However, this is misconceptions. Quanta of energy are forever. They exist as long as there is this universe, until the occurrence of Mahapralaya. Quanta of energy are elementary particles that make up everything including all chemical elements. Emission and absorption of energy by “atom” - it is nothing like the emission and absorption of elementary particles.
With regard to the mass conservation law the particular understanding of its meaning - it is a very controversial issue. All the matter is that there is not only mass, but also antimass. Not only gravity is but repulsion. And in the law of mass conservation these facts do not count.
When it is alleged that in the course of chemical reactions, the total mass of initial and final components of the reaction does not change it's not quite right. Here those solar elementary particles are not counted that accumulate on the surface of chemical elements. In the course of chemical reactions, there is a redistribution of the surface particles. Force fields of the same types of chemical elements in different compounds are of varying quality. In some compounds, an element acts as a reducing agent - Yin. In the other it is as the oxidant - Yang. And all is because of the redistribution of particles on the surface. Although, in general, an overall qualitative and quantitative composition of each element remains unchanged. The composition of the surface layer only changes. The number of solar particles arrives or decreases. The number of those particles that were a part of   elements originally, is practically unchanged. And how many particles Yin (mass) and particle Yang (antimass) were, and remain so. However, the more exposure of the surface layers can either strengthen or weaken a mass of any element, i.e. the Field of Attraction value in areas where the field of such quality appears.
So, as you can see, the Law of Conservation of Mass needs to be adjusted.
Perhaps the creators of quantum mechanics in general should not attract this law as an argument and use it to prove that mass disappears as energy.
The only thing that you can imagine: at a time when quantum mechanics arises, it was such nonsense - the assertion that atoms (chemical elements) are not indivisible entities and may consist of quanta of energy.
So, as you can see, this issue is far from to be considered easy in attainment. But here we are talking not about the ease or difficulty understanding what processes occur in chemical elements and how they absorb and emit the elementary particles. Not at all. We are talking about the complexity of understanding what sense was invested in their assertions by the creators of quantum mechanics. But let a private misunderstanding not hamper the process of our general knowledge. Physics of the early twentieth century - is a history. Let’s take out all the most valuable of it, the rest surrender into the hands of historians of science.
One becomes apparent when studying quantum mechanics. Not accidentally physics addicting it, feels to its postulates attitude similar to religious awe. This branch of science as well as relativistic mechanics and nuclear physics perfectly enhances a human consciousness.

Thank you for your attention!

Another book of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science - “The main occult laws and concepts” - http://www.amazon.com/Main-Occult-Laws-Concepts-ebook/dp/B00GUJJR72

The book “New Esoteric Astrology” you can buy here – http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JF6RMCY

The book “Thermodynamics” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KGHK8EU
Other books of this series are preparing in English.

And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDITQ6



Particles do not lie apart on the surface of a chemical element as solid bodies on the surface of a celestial body. And no particles move by “inertia” on the surface of chemical element colliding with particles on its surface, as it takes place with dense bodies on the surface of the celestial body. However, mechanism of collision of a free particle with particles in a chemical element in many points similar to the mechanism of collision of solid or liquid body falling on the surface of a celestial body with other bodies, fixed on the surface of the planet.
Let any particle is at quiescence in the Gravity Field of a chemical element anywhere in the composition of its surface layers. And at the same time with this particle another particle emitted by any element collides.
Particles are emitted by the elements:
1) after collision with an element of a free particle or other chemical element;
2) under influence of a larger Field of Attraction of another element that "tears off" the particles.
In the first case when the particle is emitted as a result of collision its movement after the emission has an inertial character. If herewith this inertially moving particle encounters on the way the Gravity Field of some chemical element, in addition to the inertia the driving factor is the Field of Attraction of the element. In the second case when the particle is emitted by the action of the Field of Attraction of another element, in its motion inertia is absent, and it moves only under the influence of the Field of Attraction.
Trajectory of motion of an emitted particle can either cross with a location of an element with which it collides or pass this element.
In the first case when the particle trajectory crosses with the element the particle moves by inertia. And besides that it is attracted by the Gravity Field of the element, and the speed caused by the emergence in the particle of a Force of Gravitation adds to the speed of inertial motion. I.e. the Force of Attraction adds to the Force of Inertia that leads to the summation of the speed. The falling of the particle is combined with the inertial motion.
In the second case the particle moves past the element, it moves by inertia. I.e. again we need to turn to the Rule of Parallelogram - it will help us to calculate the magnitude and the direction of the resultant force at each time point. In any case, the greater is a Force of Inertia over a Force of Attraction or less, a trajectory of a particle becomes curved - parabolic. And it is directed toward the source of a Force of Attraction. And all because the source of the Force of Inertia is the moving particle itself. I.e. a source of Inertial Force is not located somewhere at a distance. It is here, it's always there. I.e. the particle "turns" in the direction of a chemical element. But this is not necessary that it falls on it. In order to clarify the further fate of the particle, it is necessary to apply the formulas of space velocities. I.e. whether the particle will fly by, leaning slightly, or drop on the element depends on the value of "escape velocity" (the magnitude of Force of Inertia).
At falling on an element inertia of the motion of a particle does not disappear. The degree of transformation remains elevated. And the Inertial Force in this case is also added to the Force of Attraction.
As already mentioned, a function of any elementary particle is to keep around itself a fixed amount of Ether. Particles themselves are transparent to each other. Filling them Ether makes them opaque. Therefore a collision is a contact and a pressure on each other of Ether filling particles.
So, in the previous case when free particles collide with each other, they had to overcome the Pressure Force of each other. A magnitude of Pressure Forces is caused by a magnitude of Forces of Inertia of particles.
In this case when we talk about collision of free particles with a chemical element, the Forces that the particles will have to overcome are somewhat changed.
Do you remember we talked about elementary particles being in the state of quiescence? In case if the particle includes in a chemical element it is also in quiescence, but only relative to the center of this chemical element. This quiescence, of course, can not be regarded as a truly, because while a particle can be motionless relative to the center of a chemical element, the element can move. So, as you remember, if a free particle collides with a particle at quiescence, the first one starts to move without resistance to the pushing it particle. But if a particle is "at quiescence" is a part of a chemical element, it would resist any particle that tries to shift it from a place. What is this resistance? This resistance is caused by an action of Fields of Attraction of particles with such fields as part of the given chemical element (as well as in others elements of the body, which includes this element).  These Fields of Attraction are the cause of emergence in the particle Attraction Forces that actually keep the particle composed of the element.
Resistance of a particle being in a state of quiescence in a chemical element is composed of Attraction Forces caused by the action of Attraction Fields of particles with such fields as part of this element. Fields of Attraction of particles located on the same line are summarized. And such lines in the element we can draw many. A total Gravity Field of a chemical element is always the largest along the line passing through the center of the element. You can name this total Field of Attraction as Centripetal. All these summary Fields of Attraction are the cause of emergence in the particle on the surface of the element of Forces of Attraction. Especially we should highlight the Forces of Attraction caused by the action of Attraction Fields of particles with such fields in contact with a particle at quiescence.
In addition, a chemical element itself is retained in the composition of the planet by Forces of Attraction (bonds) caused by the action of Attraction Fields of surrounding elements. The surrounding elements are elements in the body, to which this element belongs. Also, this is remaining elements of the celestial body, in which this body is included.
All these Forces of Attraction hold the given particle anywhere in the composition of the surface layers of the given chemical element and cause it to resist to the particle colliding with it. I.e. when a free particle collides with a chemical element, its Pressure Force opposes the entire amount of Attractive Forces holding the particle in the given chemical element, and the chemical element in this celestial body. In accordance with The Rule of Subordination to Dominant Force a particle can obey the Pressure Force of a pushing particle only if the Pressure Force is more than all total Forces of Attraction holding the particles in the element. This is impossible. That is why a particle in a chemical element does not start to move in the same direction that colliding with it a free particle. Instead, a free particle in the time of collision stops. Its inertial motion in the last direction (if it is before moving inertially) stops.
There are various options for further developments occurred after the collision of the particles - both for the particle fallen to an element, and to the "stationary" within the surface of the particle. Each particle can either remain as a part of the element – absorbed by it or leave it – to be emitted.



Now let's consider the case of collision of free particles, both of which were up to the moment of contact during the process of inertial motion.
What happens with each of the particles after they have collided? A very important role will play in the way how the vectors of Forces of Pressure of these two particles will be located in relation to each other. The vectors of the Pressure Forces can be:
1) in opposite directions;
2) directed at an angle to each other.
In order to determine how the resultant force vector will be directed, we are not going to invent anything new, and turn to the Rule of Parallelogram.
What happens to the particles in the moment of their collision?
At the moment of collision each particle feels the effect of two forces:
1) own Inertial Force;
2) the Pressure Force caused by the second of the colliding particles.
If you remember, we assigned to the Rule of Parallelogram another name - the Rule of Subordination to Dominant Force in view of action of the less Force. I.e. in accordance with this Rule any particle always increasingly subordinates to the greatest largest Force. However, the action of the less Force also taken into account, and accounted for in accordance with the features of the addition and subtraction of vectors. If the force vectors lie on a same line and, of course, in opposite directions, from the larger vector we subtract smaller. The obtained difference is the resultant force. If the vectors are arranged at an angle to each other, then the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the vectors as on the sides, just indicate the direction and magnitude of the resultant force. This means that for each of two particles we build its own parallelogram and calculate its own resultant force. And after the collision each of the colliding particles go in a new direction and with a new speed (Force indicates speed), which correspond to the magnitude and the direction of the resultant force. It does not matter different or same the particle velocity, i.e. it is regardless of the value of their Inertial Force.
In all cases when vectors are directed at an angle greater than 180˚, the direction of motion of two particles changes after collision. If vectors lie on the same line, then after collision the particle with the larger Inertial Force (and thus with the lager Pressure Force) will retain the former direction. Although it decreases the speed as of the vector of its force will be deducted the force vector of the second particle. But the particle with a smaller Inertial Force (and Pressure Force) changes the direction of its motion is reversed.
As you can see the colliding particles do not pass through each other. Mechanism of their impact is very similar to collision of two thrown balls. This is not surprising, since any spherical body (ball) is constructed of the same material - of elementary particles. Particles-balls collide and bounce at an angle (if they collide at an angle).



A particle moving by inertia because it is filled with Ether is the cause of those forces in the particles that it meets on the way - Force of Pressure of particle surface, or simply - Pressure Force.
Ether, filling a moving particle pushes particles along the way. I.e. in Ether of the particle met on the way there occurs a tendency to move away from Ether filling the colliding particle. When the particle moves by inertia, its front hemisphere emits Ether. Therefore, in the particle with which the moving particle collides, there not occurs a Force of Repulsion - only the Pressure Force. I.e. moving particle colliding with a stationary pushes it not by emitted Ether, and its "surface", or, in other words, b Ether filling a given particle.
The magnitude of the Pressure Force arising in the pushed particle is equal to the Force of Inertia, causing the moving inertial particle pushing it.

Not only taken separately free particles moving by inertia may lead to arising in other particles of a Pressure Force. Particles in conglomerates (on their surface) - both moving and simply seeking to move (pressing) - also affect by Pressure Force.



Let's analyze why there exists such mechanical phenomenon, as a "collision" of elementary particles.
First, let's find out what we call the "collision".
Collision - this is the point of contact between two particles, at least one of which is certainly to this was in the process of movement. Directly the strike of particles each other - is a collision of Ethers. Ether filling particles and emitted by them collides. About collision of Ether filling the particles, we speak in respect to the particles Yin in the case of inertial motion as of particles Yin and Yang. As for the collision of emitted Ether, it refers to particles Yang.
There are three reasons for collision of particles:
1) An attraction of particles;
2) A repulsion of particles;
3) An inertial motion of one or both of the particles.
1) Collision in the process of attraction.
Collision in the process of attraction will occur both if an attracted particle has a Field of Attraction, and in the event that an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion. When two particles interact with each other (are attracted) and come closer to each other in the course of this, the final moment of their approach - contact - just be collision (impact). If an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion, then rapprochement with an attracting particle and thus their collision will occur only if the Field of Repulsion of attracted particles is less in modulus of the Field of Attraction of attracting particle. If the Field of Repulsion of an attracted particle in modulus is greater or equal to the Field of Attraction of attracting particle an rapprochement (and impact) of the particles will not happen.
2) Collision in the process of repulsion.
Collision during repulsion occurs in the following situations.
Primarily emitted Ether meets Ether emitted by another particle Yang. It is also a variant of collision. Or emitted Ether hits Ether filling the particle Yin.
A particle with a Field of Repulsion emits Ether and is adjacent to another particle - Yin or Yang. If it is adjacent to the particle Yin, the rate of emission of Ether exceeds the rate of its absorption of Ether by the particle Yin. In this case, both particles diverge, since the volume of Ether emitted by the particle with the Field of Repulsion between them increases. Moving away from each other, the particles meet on the path and other particles and collide with them.
If the particle, which is adjacent to the particle with a Field of Repulsion is also a particle Yang, the rate of repulsion of the particles is even more. And also it does not avoid collisions with other particles in the way.
Or, for example, Yang particle is composed of conglomerate of particles, for example, of the chemical element. There are such types of chemical elements in which on the periphery due to the abundance of particles Yang there are zones (and even the entire surface), which manifests outside not the Field of Attraction but Repulsion Field. So here is not even a Field of Repulsion of single particle Yang on the surface and a Field of Repulsion of the given zone as part of the conglomerate will repel free particles moving past. First, the emitted Ether banging in particle flying by - it is a variant of collision. And secondly, a particle with repelled by Ether emitted by a conglomerate, collides with the particles, which met on the way. This case is very common.
3) Collision in the process of inertial motion.
The third case of collision of particles - this is when at least one of them was to impact during the movement. In this case, the collision - is also the moment of contact of the particles.
This case differs significantly from the first variant of collision. That collision during inertial motion is the cause of many important for us natural processes and phenomena. So let's take a review of the case of collision longer.
In the real conditions can collide:
1) Two free particles;
2) A free particle and a particle in a conglomerate of particles (e.g., such as a chemical element);
3) Two different particles in conglomerates of particles.
1) The collision of two free particles.
A) Both particles were before collision in the process of inertial motion.
B) One of the particles before the collision was in a state of inertial motion, and the second - in the "true quiescence".
The expression "true quiescence" means that the immobility of the particle is not associated with holding it in any Field of Attraction (for example, about the bodies on the surface of the planet we say that they are in quiescence, as it were, "forgetting" that the planet itself is moving). True particle in quiescence is still just anywhere in the ethereal field.
Let's look at the mechanism of particle collisions on the example of the last case, where only one particle moves by inertia, while the second is in a true quiescence.
Movement of free elementary particle is always inertial. The Force of Inertia makes to move it by inertia – i.e. tendency of Ether filling the particle to move away from Ether emitted by this particle (its rear hemisphere). Let us remind you that the particle motion relative to the ethereal field accompanied by the transformation of the particle. When the particle moves by inertia, A Field of Repulsion must exist in it, regardless of whether this particle has a repulsion field out of the transformation process. At the same time the front hemisphere of the particle does not emit Ether – Ether of ethereal field through which the particle moves prevents to this. Ether of ethereal field does not let to go outside the Ether, created by the particle, forcing it to stay in the particle. And as a result this Ether is used by this particle itself for the destruction.
So inertially moving particle does not emit Ether by its front hemisphere. If Ether was emitted, it could interfere the particle to contact with the surface of the particle, which met on the way, i.e. colliding with it. And because the front surface of the inertially moving particle does not emit Ether, nothing prevents it to collide with the particles which occur in its path.
However and here there are some restrictions, and they are caused by the quality of particles in quiescence on the way.
When on the way of the inertially moving particle there is another particle and between them there are no particles, the following occurs.
In a moving particle by inertia there is an Inertial Force. And another Force adds there to this one. It is the Force of Attraction if greeted on the way particle has a Field of Attraction or the Force of Repulsion if the particle has a Field of Repulsion. A compulsory condition in this case is the location of particle encountered on the same line along which the particle moves by inertia.
1) The Force of Attraction we should sum with the Inertial Force. This is explained by the fact that the vectors of both forces are in the same direction. The speed of the inertial motion of a particle depends from the Force of Inertia. And the speed with which an attracted particle approaches the attracting depends from the Force of Attraction. Summing the forces, we sum and the speeds. And as a result the particle velocity is equal to the sum of two speeds.
V in. + V f.att. = ​​V sum.,
where V in. - is the speed of inertial motion, V f.att. - is the speed of ethereal flow of the Field of Attraction, V sum. - is the total velocity of the ethereal flow.
The speed of rapprochement of the inertially moving particle with the particle with the Field of Attraction depends on two factors:
1) The magnitude of the Force of inertia;
2) The magnitude of the Force of Attraction.
The Inertial Force acts in this case as a constant. But the Force of Attraction is proportional to the Field of Attraction of an encountered particle. The more is the Field of Attraction, the greater is the Force of Attraction. And the higher is the rate of approach of the inertially moving particle to the particle at quiescence. The Force of Impact (Force of Collision) represent in this case the sum of the above two forces - the Force of Inertia and the Force of Attraction. Accordingly, the greater is the Force of Inertia and the greater is the magnitude of the Field of Attraction of oncoming particle, with greater force the moving particle collides with a stationary one.   
And that's not all. At the moment of contact (collision) of a moving particle with a particle at quiescence, having a Field of Attraction, there is a transfer of a portion of Ether from the particle with the Field of Repulsion to the particle with the Field of Attraction.
As has been said, an inertially moving particle has a Field of Repulsion, i.e. emits Ether. A particle in quiescence with a Field of Attraction absorbs Ether. When a particle with a Field of Repulsion touches the surface of the particle with Field of Attraction, Ether, which have not been emitted before by the front hemisphere of the particle emitted starts to emit by influence of the Field of Attraction of neighboring particle. Because the particle with the Field of Repulsion loses Ether, there is decreasing of the amount of Ether emitted by its rear hemisphere – i.e. the Force of Inertia decreases. That's why in collisions of moving particles with particles having Field of Attraction, the speed of inertial motion of the particles gradually decrease with each collision. Incidentally, we should mention here that this phenomenon of the transfer of Ether underlies the gradual slowing of bodies in collisions with other bodies.
2) If the particle in the place of contact has Field of Repulsion, then it is the cause of the Force of Repulsion. And this Force of Repulsion should be subtracted from the Force of Inertia, since the vector of Repulsion Force is reversed.
A particle with Field of Repulsion emitting Ether increases its amount between itself and the inertially moving particle, preventing their rapprochement.
If the Inertial Force is more in modulus than the Force of Repulsion, their rapprochement of the particles happens anyway and they will contact – i.e. will collide.
If the Inertial Force is equal in modulus than the Force of Repulsion, rapprochement (and collision) will not happen. Inertially moving particle will like "slip in place". In this case the Inertial Force does not disappear. A particle will move through Ether emitted by the counter particle, but one iota it shall not come near.
In the same case, if the Inertial Force is less in modulus than the Repulsion Force, there will be a gradual distancing of the inertially moving particle from the counter particle. The speed with which Ether will fill the space between the particles is greater than the speed of the inertial motion of a particle. Herewith the particle will also save the state of inertial motion through Ether emitted by the counter particle.



Let’s on example of two simplest tasks show how and why inertial motion of particles Yin is uniformly decelerated and of particles Yang - uniformly accelerated.
1) Uniformly decelerated motion of a particle Yin.
Let’s take a particle Yin with a rate of creation of Ether equal to 1 conventional unit, and a rate of destruction equal to 3 conventional units.
Let its initial speed relative to the ethereal field is equal to 7 conventional units.
We subtract from 7 conventional units 3 conventional units: 7 - 3 = 4. This is amount of external entering into the particle Ether that is destroyed in it, in its both hemispheres when it is displaced relative to the ethereal field.
1 conventional unit of Ether is released, 1 + 4 = 5.
Initial Field of Repulsion, generating in a particle is equal to 5 conventional units, i.e. the speed of inertial motion of the particle is equal to 5 standard units.
Then we subtract 3 from 5 conventional units: 5 - 3 = 2 and 2 + 1 = 3 conventional units.
As you can see, the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion smoothly decreases from 5 to 3 conventional units, i.e. the velocity of the particle drops to 3 c.u.
Next: 3 - 3 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1 conventional unit.
Finally, a Field of Repulsion becomes equal to one conventional unit. And the speed is too.
1 unit credit is not sufficient to fully meet the "need" of a particle in destructible Ether: 1 - 3 = -2. We need 2 conventional units yet. I.e. inertial motion ceases, as a Field of Attraction occurs in the rear hemisphere.
2) Uniformly accelerated motion of a particle Yang.
And now we take a particle Yang with a rate of creation of Ether equal to 3 conventional units, and a rate of destruction of 1 conventional unit.
Let’s its initial speed relative to the ethereal field is one standard unit.
From 1 conventional unit we subtract 1 conventional unit: 1 - 1 = 0. This means that the initial velocity of the particle equal to one unit fully satisfies the need of a particle in the destroyed Ether. And not a single share of 1 conventional unit of own Ether of the particle, which usually make up the need of a particle in the destroyed Ether, is consumed. All Ether created in a particle, all three conventional units are emitted in the form of repulsion field in the rear hemisphere. I.e. velocity of the particle gradually increases from 1 to 3 cu.
Now we subtract 3 from 1: 3 - 1 = 2. From the speed equal to 3 we subtract 1 conventional unit - the rate of destruction of Ether.
Then we add 3 to 2: 2 + 3 = 5. This is the particle velocity.
Then we subtract 1 from 5: 5 - 1 = 4. 4 To 4 we add the 3 conventional units: 4 + 3 = 7.
And so on. If inhibitory forces do not act on the particle, it could be accelerated indefinitely.

But in reality, this will never happen, because the space is filled with elementary particles, and a particle moving by inertia can collides with them. And besides that particles of Yin and Yang are mixed in the space. And during any contact, any neighborhood of the particle Yin with the particle Yang, Yin takes away Ether (energy) of a particle Yang – i.e. reduces the magnitude of the inertial forces cause the particles to move.



Discussed a little earlier the main characteristics of the inertial motion of elementary particles without any additional conditions are applicable only to ideal conditions. Yes, only in ideal conditions, the trajectory of the particle will always remain straight. As for velocity of the particle at each moment of time, but only in a completely empty space all the features of uniformly accelerated or of uniformly decelerated motion of the particles will fit to the perfect ones precisely.
In reality, in inertially moving particles in additional to the Inertial Force many other forces, the causes of which are already well known:
1) Fields of Attraction of other objects;
2) Fields of Repulsion;
3) Pressure from other particles (moving or "in quiescence" in the conglomerate of particles).
I.e. in real conditions on the inertially moving particle many other forces can simultaneously act - Attraction, Repulsion, Pressure. For example, some particle is moving by inertia. And simultaneously Ether, through which it moving, is shifted under the influence of the Field of Attraction of any object. Inertial Force competes with the Force of Attraction.
Or the surrounding Ether is shifted repelled by the Field of Repulsion. Or some moving particle crash into another moving particle. I.e. Inertial Force opposes the Force of Pressure of the particle surface. In any case, we must determine the angle between the vectors of the Forces. And also to find out the value of the Forces. After this, on the Rule of Parallelogram we will know the direction and magnitude of the resultant force.
These other forces arising in the inertially moving particle compete in magnitude with the Inertial Force, moving the particle. As a result of acting of these forces the direction of motion of a particle can change. Simultaneously with the direction, usually it is changing the velocity of the particle measured at each moment of time - either increases or decreases (down to zero).  The changing of the direction of motion of a particle does not lead to the disappearance of the Inertial Force (except cases when the speed drops to zero). I.e. a particle continues to move by inertia. However and the magnitude of this force, and direction of the vector changes.
In order to know the direction and magnitude of the vector of resultant force, which arises in a result of acting on a particle moving by inertia and even other forces, we turn to the Rule of Parallelogram. Diagonal drawn from the same point, where is the start of vectors of initial Forces (one of which must be Inertial Force) - this is the resultant force vector.
As previously mentioned, in assessing of the speed and direction of motion of the particle due to the impact on it more than one force we need take into account a number of factors. Here they are:
1) The magnitude of the forces acting on the particle, and their total number;
2) The angle between the vectors of the Forces;
3) The type of forces acting on the particle.
Additionally, for the Force of Inertia we can find out the general character of the movement – uniformly decelerated or uniformly accelerated, and also what is value of the acceleration or deceleration.
Particle velocity increases if speed, caused by the action of any Field of Attraction or Repulsion is added to the speed caused by the magnitude of the Inertial Force. This is because the particle moves relative to ethereal field, and at the same time the very ethereal field, as well as Ether, filling the particle are shifted under the influence of the cause of the Force – Field of Attraction or Field of Repulsion. What will be the trajectory of a particle, if in addition to the Inertial Force the Force of Attraction or Force of Repulsion arises in it, depends on:
1) The initial direction of the inertial motion of a particle;
2) The speed of the inertial motion of a particle, measured per unit of time;
3) The magnitude of the Field of Attraction of attracting or the Field of Repulsion of repulsive object.

In any case, for the inertially moving particle, there are only two versions of events:
1) The particle will fly past the objects with the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion, in one way or another attracting by the Field of Attraction or rebounding by the Field of Repulsion;
2) The particle will not pass the object with the Field of Attraction or Repulsion instead it will be attracted to the object with the Field of Attraction or drastically deviate from the object with the Field of Repulsion.
Or instead of acting of Fields of Attraction and Repulsion it may be that inertially moving particle collides with another particle - either truly motionless, or with a "stationary" particle because it is fixed in any Field of Attraction or with a particle, also moving inertially.
1) If another particle is truly motionless, there arises the Force of Inertia, which will cause it to move in the same direction in which the investigated particle was moving. But this is only if the particle has the Field of Repulsion, or if it has arose;
2) In the event that the other particle "immobile" in a Field of Attraction, there are two possible scenarios:
a) An investigated particle will change the direction of the motion after a collision with the "stationary" particle;
b) An investigated particle force "stationary" particle to move in the same direction.

3) In the event that the other particle inertially moves itself and its velocity is greater than the velocity of the given particle whose movement we explore, the investigated particle starts to obey the new Force of Inertia, forcing it to move in a new direction. And of the last Inertial Force only a higher degree of transformation was left. I.e. there is an addition of degrees of transformation that increases the speed of motion.



Since the time of Galilei and Newton the straightness and equability is considered as the only two characteristics of inertial motion. But the reality is somewhat different.
Isaac Newton was right, when in the Law of Inertia as a compulsory condition of inertia has pointed the "absence of action of external forces".
Indeed, only in a completely empty space a trajectory of a particle moving by inertia never deviate from a straight line.
In the real conditions, where the space is filled with particles of all kinds of quality and everywhere gravity and antigravity fields manifest, the straightness of trajectory is necessarily violated. If in the particle in addition to the Inertial Force any more Force arises, then the particle, without ceasing to move inertially, may at the same time shifts under the influence of other force, for example, to come near to the source of Attraction Field or to move away from the source of Field of Repulsion. Ether emitted by the particle, also continues to repel it forward. But at the same time the ethereal flow of the Field of Attraction or the Field of Repulsion shifts with itself a particle. Accordingly, the movement of the particle ceases to be straight and becomes curved.
However, not everything here is so simple. And the features of the motion of the particle - its speed and shape of the trajectory - depend on many factors. First, you need to consider what types of Forces acting on the particle and how many of them. Secondly, you must consider the value of each of the forces. And, thirdly, you need to know under what angle the vectors of Forces are located relative to one another. Only assessing all these factors, we can try to calculate what will be the direction and velocity of a particle at any given moment of time.
Besides, the character of the inertial movement of the particles will never be uniform! It’s only uneven, namely uniformly decelerated and uniformly accelerated. Accordingly, an uneven motion can be described by a value of deceleration or acceleration of the particle.
Let's look at the particles of what quality an inertial particle motion will be uniformly decelerated and of what quality it will be uniformly accelerated.
1) The uniformly decelerated character of inertial motion.
The inertial motion of the particles, which initially (outside transformation) has a Field of Attraction - the particles Yin - can only be uniformly decelerated.
What will be the velocity of a particle at any given moment of time depends on two factors:
1) The magnitude of the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of the particle.
Let’s explain the uniformly deceleration by follows.
Any particle with a Field of Attraction so and has a Field of Attraction that its   rate destruction of Ether is greater than the rate of creation. In order to illustrate what is happening, let's assign to the value of the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the rate of creation, as well as the rate with which the particle is initially led to the motion relatively to the ethereal field, some conditional values ​​that do not match the real, but truly reflect the ratio of the real magnitudes.
Now we are talking about a particle with a Field of Attraction. This means that the rate of destruction of Ether in it exceeds the rate of creation. Therefore, let the rate of destruction is equal to 3 conventional units, and the rate of creation – to 1 conventional unit. As we have seen, the Force of Inertia – this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle, i.e. a Field of Repulsion appearing in the particle. The Force of Inertia is equal to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate of emission rate of Ether by the rear hemisphere. As is known, the appearing in the particle a Field of Repulsion consists of own Ether of the particle liberated in it (born there) and of external Ether, entering, but not destroyed. Until then, until all nascent Ether is not released, we can’t talk about accession to the Field of Repulsion of external Ether. In order to that all born in the particle Ether is released in the form of the Field of Repulsion, it is necessary that the rate of displacement of the particle relative to the ethereal field is equal to the rate of destruction of Ether. I.e. in our case it is equal to 3 conventional units. Then the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion arising in the particle is equal to 1 conventional unit that corresponds to the rate of creation of Ether. If the velocity of the initial displacement of the particle is less than 3 conventional units, then a Field of Repulsion is less than 1 conventional unit. A Field of Repulsion equal to 1 conventional unit shifts the particle also on a rate equal to 1 conventional unit that will lead to further decrease of the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion.
A Field of Repulsion with a value less than 3 conventional units, which arises in the particle in the rear hemisphere, does not allow to push a particle with such speed that would fully satisfy the need of the particle in destroyed Ether. As a result, less Ether is released which is born in the particle. The more its amount is "spent" by the particle itself. As a result, a Field of Repulsion decreases, which reduces the velocity of the particle. Reducing of the speed makes the particle absorb an even larger part of Ether created in it, which further reduces the Field of Repulsion of the particle, etc. And so it carried out a gradual deceleration of the inertial motion of a particle with a Field of Attraction. And, accordingly, the nature of such inertial motion is uniformly decelerated.
In assessing the value of the speed with which the particle should initially displaced to its inertial motion is though uniformly decelerated, but still long enough, you should also remember that there are particles with the same magnitude of Fields of Attraction, but they differ in both the rate of disappearance of Ether, and in the rate of creation.
2) The uniformly accelerated character of inertial motion.
In the particles having Fields of Repulsion and out of the transformation process - the particles Yang - inertial motion can only be uniformly accelerated. And just as in the case of particles with Fields of Attraction, the speed of inertial motion at each moment of time is determined by two factors:
1) The magnitude of the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of the particle.
Let’s explain the reasons for the uniformly accelerated character of inertial motion of particles Yang.
All particles with Fields of Repulsion and because possess by the Fields of Repulsion that their speed of creation of Ether is more than the speed of destruction.
Let us, by analogy with particles Yin we estimate the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the speed of creation, as well as the speed with which the particle is initially led to the motion relatively to the ethereal field, using abstract conventional units, truly reflect the ratio of these values.
In the particle with the Field of Repulsion the rate of creation of Ether always exceeds the rate of destruction. Let the rate of destruction is equal to 1 conventional unit, and the rate of creation - to 3 conventional units. As already mentioned, the Force of Inertia this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle, i.e. a Field of Repulsion, which in this case increases. The Force of Inertia is equal to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate of emission of Ether by the rear hemisphere. The Field of Repulsion consists of own Ether of the particle released in it (born there) and of external Ether, entering, but not destroyed. Until all nascent Ether is not released, there is no joining to the Field of Repulsion of external Ether.
As mentioned earlier, the particle can move inertially only when entering into Ether in front of it if it satisfies the "need" of the particle on Ether, and as a result in a particle a Field of Repulsion appears. But particles that initially have Fields of Repulsion need not to seek its emergence with the help of transformation. Transformation can only increase the Field of Repulsion. Thus, even the minimum initial velocity of the particle with the Field of Repulsion increases this Field, because to naturally existing Field of Repulsion that amount of created Ether is added, which because of the entering into the particle Ether in front of it stops it used for destruction. Even the initial speed equal to 1 % of 1 conventional unit will lead to the increase of the Field of Repulsion and the beginning of inertial motion. Increase of the Field of Repulsion increases the rate at which the emitted Ether pushes the particle forward. Increase of the speed of the motion again leads to increase of the Field of Repulsion of the particle, which further increases the velocity of the particle, etc. The process of the growing of the Field of Repulsion and, consequently, of the acceleration of the particle continues until all "need " in the destroyed Ether does not cease to be satisfied at the expense of the resources of own Ether created in the particle and does not start fully replenished by Ether entering into the particle in front of it. After that, the inertial motion of a particle is stabilized, ceases to accelerate and becomes uniform. In this case the velocity of the particle is equal to the speed of creation of Ether by the particle. Note, it is not to the speed of naturally existing at the particle the Field of Repulsion (i.e., outside of the process of transformation), namely the speed of creation of Ether.

 We can sum up and conclude that the particles which have Fields of Repulsion and out of the process of transformation can be led to a state of inertial motion much easier compared with the particles initially have Fields of Attraction. The word "easier" means that for particles with Fields of Repulsion, any even the minimum initial speed fits. While not every initial speed will cause the inertial motion of a particle with a Field of Attraction.



Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle moving by inertia, this is the Force of Inertia. This Force of Inertia is the repulsion of Ether filling the particle by Ether emitted by it.
The magnitude of the Inertial Force is proportional to the rate of emission of Ether by the particle. I.e. the greater the Field of Repulsion of the particle is, the greater the value of occurring in it Force of Inertia.

We recall that often an inertial motion of particles immediately after the push becomes a uniform character. In this case the Field of repulsion of the particle includes not only Ether, born in the particle (and released because its destruction is replaced by destroying of external Ether), but also external Ether, which entered into a particle and not destroyed in it.



Only those particles which after bringing them in motion have a Field of Repulsion - originally inherent or arising as a result from the transformation (unimportant) – are capable to inertial motion.
The particle which after bringing it into motion saves in the rear hemisphere the Field of Attraction, will not move by inertia. Explanation for this is following.
For order to the particle could move by inertia its rear hemisphere (it is allocated conditionally) must emit Ether, which as soon as turns out outside of the particle, pushes it forward. The particle, in which in the rear hemisphere the Field of Attraction does not disappear, of course, can not emit Ether. Entering into the particle external Ether does not come out of the particle, creating or enhancing a Field of Repulsion behind, while in the particle there is a "need" in disappearing Ether in it. And only entering into the particle Ether in varying degrees satisfy its "need", then its own created in it Ether begins to emit. Created Ether emits the more, than the needs of the particles in the destruction of Ether are satisfied better. If the particle velocity relative to the ethereal field exceeds the rate of disappearance of Ether in it, whereas in the Field of Repulsion of the particle and the external Ether is included – entering into the particle, but not destroying in it.
And here is the mechanism of inertial motion.
If the particle has a Field of Repulsion (naturally existing or arising as a result of transformation), then in the state of quiescence Ether is uniformly emitted by the particle in all directions. If the particle with the Field of Repulsion shifts relative to the ethereal field, Ether of ethereal field does not let to Ether of the Field of Repulsion to be emitted in the front hemisphere of the particle. Ether of ethereal field entering into the particle exerts pressure on the Ether, that tends to be emitted in the front hemisphere, and makes it to be emitted in the rear hemisphere.
Ether emitted in the rear hemisphere is faced with an ethereal field behind the particle. As a result, between Ether filling the particle and ether of ethereal field behind the particle occurs an excess of Ether - Ether ejected from the particle. As a result, in the Ether filling the particle it is appearing the tendency to move away from this excess of Ether. Otherwise, we can say that ether filling the particle is repelled by Ether supplanted from it. And the particle continues the motion, which in mechanics is called by inertial motion.

We can say that the phenomenon of inertia literally embodies the idea of ​​"perpetuum", which from time immemorial is a dream of mechanics- engineers.