Book 2
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The Teaching of the Master of the
Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School, Djwhal Khul. The continuation of books of HP
Blavatsky and AA Bailey. Synthesis of Science and Religion
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The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Ethereal
Copyright © 2014 by Tatiana
Translation from Russian by
Tatiana Danina
Another book of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric
Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” -
The book “New Esoteric Astrology” you can buy here –
The book “Thermodynamics” -
Other books of this series are preparing in English.
And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military
paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war
We wish you enthralling
02. What is ethereal
03. Particles Yin
and Yang. Mass and antimass. Positive and negative charges. Matter and
04. Ether filling
elementary particles – is their moving factor;
05. What is a
Force? Classification of Forces;
06. Why do
elementary particles obey to the action of forces?
07. Force and
08. The Rule of Parallelogram
for elementary particles and for different types of forces;
09. Mechanical
processes and phenomena reveal mechanical properties of elementary particles;
10. The mechanism
of gravitation (attraction);
11. The Force of
12. The truth about
Force of Attraction;
13. Mass – is Field
of Attraction, weight – is Force of Attraction;
14. The mechanism
of anti-gravity (repulsion);
15. The Force of
16. Why is
anti-gravitation still not recognized by science?
17. Fields of
Attraction decrease Fields of Repulsion, and Fields of Repulsion reduces Fields
of Attraction;
18. Transformation
of quality – this is a rising of temperature;
19. Transformation
of the quality of a particle during its inertial motion;
20. Transformation
of the quality by gravitation (Gravity Field). The reason for the mass defect,
radioactivity and radiation of the stars;
21. Transformation
of the quality by anti-gravitation (Anti-gravitational Field);
22. Phenomena
explained by the Law of Transformation;
23. General
information about inertia;
24. Field of
Repulsion – is a compulsory condition for an emergence of inertial motion;
25. Force of
26. The main
characteristics of the inertial motion;
27. Inertia of
particles in real conditions;
28. Analysis of the
causes of equal acceleration or of equal deceleration of inertial motion;
29. General
information about collision of particles;
30. Force of
Pressure of the particle surface;
31. Collision of
free particles moving by inertia;
32. Collision of a free
particle with a particle in a chemical element;
33. The talk about
interconversion of mass and energy.
All books of the
series "The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Esoteric natural science" are
created during a meditative contact of the disciple (author) with the
consciousness of the Teacher (the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul).
I’ll try to
describe this process.
I (disciple) tune.
I went into a state of meditation, move away from earthly concerns and start to
concentrate on the theme that I want to understand and properly interpret for myself.
Or just I go into a meditative state and in this state find in my mind
"above" something like a mental parcel – some theme, a question that
requires a parsing and concentrated consideration. Either this topic is known
to me or may be entirely new. I will not know until look at this. A viewing is
almost instantaneous. And now I'm in the needed state for work. It’s desirable
that both the physical well-being is consistent to the high level of a mental-emotional
activity. Therefore, slow walks are the most desirable time for such meditative
If a level of my motivation is high, i.e. it’s great the desire to
understand the issue – a communication is much easier, and any noise did not
Such sessions are like telepathic lessons.
The Messages from the Teacher are the thought-packages. They descend to
the brain and become a "trigger" to the start of thinking on this theme.
In parallel, I am preparing for them - read books, watch the studied
processes and phenomena, visualize, meditate on given topics. Hours and days,
hours and days. Even weeks and months were needed sometimes for consideration of
a single, particularly difficult issue. I can say that absorption of detailed,
basic information on the occult and the various fields of science took me about
4-5 years. There were times, especially in the beginning when I could not
understand many things. I highly strained and suffered when it turned bad.
First 1.5 years there was a kind of automatic writing. I was immersed into
the trance state and just fixed on the paper that appeared in the brain. I
realized all that I wrote down. However, I realized that it was not completely
my thoughts. This period was in some way, a preparatory training. And the most
important and interesting began then. During this time (1.5 years), I studied
the method of perception of impressions sent telepathically. Thoughts of the Master
were very clear, energetic and highly demanding of immediate fixation
(otherwise they will be missed, and they will have to be retransmitted). So I
went everywhere with pens and notebooks, and constantly wrote what causes surprising
and curious glances of provincial residents that by the way did not care me.
Let get used to the image of a writer, I thought to myself.
As the assimilation of transferred material, and reading of more and
more number of scientific and esoteric literature (more - scientific), I
gradually became a full member of the creative process of writing of articles
for the books. Together we worked out the language in which it was possible to
pass a new terminology necessary to describe natural phenomena and processes exactly
from our point of view. I say "our" - in fact, I have long ago become
"their", teachers, worker. Therefore, I say "our".
By the end of 6 -7- year apprenticeship I am so imbued with the spirit
of the new transmitted teachings that could now without a constant control of the
Teacher explain most of things happening in the world. Any scientific book
became for me truly open, unsolvable issues and problems disappeared.
Everything has become absolutely clear. The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion,
Transformation and Identification truly run the show in the universe. At least
in this universe. If to recognize the nature of these laws then you will
understand the meaning of science.
In this book,
ethereal mechanics serves as an alternative to the quantum mechanics.
And quantum mechanics as is known, aims to understand the nature and the laws
of the behavior of elementary particles. That ethereal mechanics seek to the
same goal. An alternative title – is Mechanics of elementary particles (Souls)
Quantum mechanics
is really has found its footing in the early XX century in connection with the
discovery of radioactivity. The phenomenon of radioactivity was a proof that
substances (chemical elements) are composed of smaller constituent parts –
elementary particles. With some of the principles of quantum mechanics we
agree, with others – does not. In the future, we will talk about this in more
In addition, we do
not share the propositions of relativistic mechanics (with some exceptions). We
remind you that as the basis of relativistic mechanics the special theory of
relativity, of Albert Einstein was laid down.
In relativistic
mechanics, there is expressed the view that objects of microcosm in its
movement and behavior in general are subject to the entirely different laws of
mechanics, rather than macroscopic objects, i.e. allegedly the laws of
classical mechanics can’t be applied to micro-objects, such as elementary
We do not agree
with these theses.
It may seem
surprising, but classical mechanics is the key to solving of all problems in
physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology. The laws of this mechanics underlie
of absolutely each natural phenomenon, but not exactly in the form in which
they currently exist.
When we talk about
bodies – dense, liquid or even gaseous, we think that everything that happens
to them is very natural. Bodies move – by inertia, under an influence of
gravity, or by continuous exposure (pressure) to them by other bodies. Also,
they are deformed or destroyed. Anyone is free to watch it all, describe, and
explore. That is what scientists around the world are doing.
However, these
methods are completely inappropriate for the study of micro-world – chemical
elements and elementary particles – stable and unstable. Their sizes are too
small, so we can’t directly observe visually them and how they behave. Hence,
all the problems and challenges of quantum physics and the plethora of theories
seeking to discover the nature of the microcosm and the laws by which it
In this work, the
Ageless Wisdom Teachers in the face of one of them – Master Djwhal Khul – defend the position
according to which a structure of any body eventually reduced to only one
elementary particles. All is constructed of them. Indivisible elementary
particles – are stable particles. Unstable particles – are conglomerates
collected from stable particles. In turn, the smallest conglomerates build the
bigger ones, and so on – as long as we see the bodies appreciable of view.
And if you accept,
at least temporarily the claim that everything is built from the stable
elementary particles (souls), then it would be logical to assume that the laws
that govern the mechanical behavior of bodies, are suitable and for that from
which these bodies are built, that is, for particles. Moreover, you have to
realize that mechanics of a body consists of mechanics of each smallest
component in its composition. And if the particles obey to any other Laws of
behavior, then, of course, and the bodies are woven from the particles would be
guided by the same Laws.
Let us recall the
well-known occult expression – "As above, so below".
Bodies are attracted because the particles have the ability to attract in their
composition. And the repulsion of bodies takes place only due to the fact that
a certain type of particles is repelled in their composition. And inertial
motion of a body – is the result of inertia of the particles.
We urge you not to
invent something new where not fully understood and used the old one. Let's
take a chance to review the laws of classical mechanics, given the fact that
the space is filled with souls (particles). As well as let’s formulate new
laws. Relying on the old revised and the new laws let’s try to lay the
foundations of mechanics of Souls (elementary particles) – of Ethereal
Mechanics. We are confident that the laws of classical mechanics can be
successfully used to explain all the phenomena of the microcosm. And we will
try to show that in this book.
A) Particles Yin –
absorbing Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields
of Attraction.
Ether tends to move
to such particle in accordance with the first principle of the behavior of
Ether – "In the ethereal field voids do not appear". This moving in
the direction of the particle ethereal flow is a Field of Attraction.
Every particle Yin
absorbs per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Because an ethereal field is
uniform everywhere, has no compression or sparseness, we can talk about a speed
of absorption of Ether. A speed of absorption will just indicate an amount of
Ether, absorbed by a particle per unit of time.
B) Particles Yang –
emitting Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields
of Repulsion.
Ether tends to move
away from such particle in accordance with the second principle of behavior of
Ether – "In the ethereal field the areas with excess density do not
appear". This ethereal flow moving away from the particle – is a Field
of Repulsion.
Each particle
emitting Ether emits per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Emission speed
indicates the amount of Ether emitted by particle per unit of time.
Now let's draw a
parallel between the physical term that exists in science – mass and the
concepts frequently used in this book – Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Particles with
Fields of Attraction (Yin) are responsible for the process of gravitation -
that is, for attraction to them of other particles. A Field of Attraction –
this is mass.
Particles with
Fields of Repulsion (Yang) are responsible for the process of anti-gravitation
(still unrecognized by official science) – i.e. for the process of repulsion
from them other particles. In science, there is not compliance with the concept
of Repulsion Field; therefore, we will have to create it. Thus, a Field of
Repulsion – is antimass.
I do not think that
only I want to combine a formula describing the gravitational interaction of
bodies (the Law of gravity) and the formula devoted to the
interaction of electric charges (the Coulomb's law). So let's do
Need to put an
equal sign between the concepts of mass and positive charge,
as well as between the concepts of antimass and negative
A positive charge
(or mass) characterizes the particles Yin (with Fields of Attraction) – i.e.
absorbing Ether from ambient ethereal field.
A negative charge
(or antimass) characterizes the particles Yan (with Fields of Repulsion) – i.e.
emitting Ether into surrounding ethereal field.
In fact, mass (or
positive charge) and antimass (or negative charge) points us to the fact that the
particle absorbs (or emits) Ether.
Regarding the
principle of electrodynamics that there is a repulsion of equal sign charges
(both negative and positive), and an attraction to each other of opposite sign
charges, it is not entirely accurate. And the reason for this – is the not
quite true interpretation of experiments on electromagnetism.
Particles with the Fields
of Attraction (positively charged) never repel each other. They only attract
and are attracted. But particles with the Fields of Repulsion (negatively
charged), indeed, always repel from each other (including from the negative
pole of a magnet).
Particles with the Fields
of Attraction (positively charged) attract to themselves any particles:
negatively charged (with the Fields of Repulsion) and positively charged (with
the Fields of Attraction). However, if both particles have Fields of
Attraction, then those of them whose Gravity Field is more, increasingly shift
to its other particle than it does a particle with a smaller Field of
In physics a matter
is bodies, as well as chemical elements from which these bodies are built and
yet elementary particles. In general it can be considered approximately true
the use of the term in this way. Matter in fact, from the
esoteric point of view, is Force centers, i.e. elementary particles. Chemical
elements are built up of elementary particles, and bodies – of chemical
elements. But eventually turns out that all consist of elementary particles.
But to be accurate, then we see around us not the Matter, and Souls – that is,
elementary particles. An elementary particle in contrast to the void space
(i.e., in contrast of Soul to Matter) is endowed with the quality – in it Ether
appears and disappears.
The concept of substance
can be considered as synonym with the used by physics concept of matter. Substance
– is, quite literally, what constitutes things surrounding a person – that is,
chemical elements and their compounds. Chemical elements, as already mentioned,
consist of elementary particles.
For the substance
in science there are concepts-antonyms – anti-substance and antimatter,
which are synonyms to each other.
recognize an existence of antimatter. However, what they take to be
anti-matter, in reality is not that. In fact, antimatter always is on hand of
science and was indirectly discovered a long time ago, since then experiments
on electromagnetism are began to conduct. A manifestation of its existence we
can constantly feel in the world around us. Antimatter in the universe came
together with matter at the very moment when elementary particles (Souls)
appear. Substance – it’s particles Yin (i.e. particles with
Fields of Attraction). Anti-substance – it’s particles Yang
(particles with Fields of Repulsion).
Properties of
particles Yin and Yang are directly opposite, in connection with which they are
well suited to the role of the required matter and antimatter.
An elementary
particle always tends to move together with Ether, which currently fills it in
the same direction and with the same speed. Ether – is a moving factor of
elementary particles. If Ether that fills the particle is motionless, and the
particle is immobile too. And if Ether, filling the particle, is moving, the
particle is moving too.
Thus, because there
is no essential difference between Ether of the ethereal field of Universe and
Ether of particles, all Principles of Ether behavior are applicable to
elementary particles. If Ether, which currently belongs to a particle, moving
toward a deficiency of Ether (according to the first principle of behavior
Ether – "In ethereal field voids do not occur") or
moves away from an excess (in accordance with the second principle behavior
Ether - "In ethereal field areas with excessive density do not occur"),
the particle is moving with it in the same direction and with the same speed.
Force – is one of the
fundamental concepts in physics in general, and especially in one of its
sub-sections – in mechanics. But what is it, how to characterize it and to
support by something existing in reality?
To begin, let’s
open any Physical Collegiate Dictionary and read the definition.
"Force in mechanics – is a measure of the mechanical action on this material body of other bodies" (PED, "Force", ed. AM Prokhorov).
"Force in mechanics – is a measure of the mechanical action on this material body of other bodies" (PED, "Force", ed. AM Prokhorov).
As you can see,
Force in modern physics does not carry information about something specific,
real. But at the same time the manifestations of Force are more than concrete.
To remedy the situation, we need to look on Force from the position of the
From the esoteric
point of view a Force – it is nothing like Spirit, Ether Energy.
And a Soul, as you recall, this is also Spirit, only it is "folded like a
ring". Thus, both the free Spirit – is the Force and Soul (locked Spirit)
– is the Force. This information will greatly help us in the future.
Despite some vagueness
of the definition of Force, it has quite real implications. This is not an
abstract concept, as it appears in physics today.
Force – is the reason
that compels Ether to move toward its deficiency or go away from its excess. We
are interested in Ether enclosed in elementary particles (Souls), so for us a
Force – is, first of all, the reason that drives particles to move. Any
elementary particle – is the Force, as it directly or indirectly affects on
other particles.
Force can be
measured by the speed with which Ether filling the particle (in other
words, the particle itself) move under the influence of the Force if on it
would act other forces. That is, the speed of ethereal flow coercing
particles to move, this is the magnitude of this Force.
Let us classify all
types of forces arising in particles, depending on a reason, which causes them.
The cause of this
Force is any deficiency of Ether, appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of
the Universe.
That is, the
cause of arising in a particle a Force of Attraction is any other particle that
absorbs Ether – i.e. forming a Field of Attraction.
The cause of this
Force is any excess of Ether, appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the
That is, the
cause of arising in a particle a Force of Repulsion is any other particle
emitting the Ether – i.e. forming a Field of Repulsion.
The cause of this
Force is emission of all produced by a particle Ether not by its entire
surface, and only the rear hemisphere (in the direction of its movement).
Inertial Force
arises in a particle only due to the fact that there exists a Field of Repulsion
- and an Inertial Force can be considered as a special case of Repulsion Force.
The difference
between these forces is that a Repulsion Force is a tendency of a particle to
move away from the external for it the source of Ether, but an Inertial Force –
is a tendency of a particle to move away from Ether, which emits by itself.
Any moving particle
itself is not an ethereal flow (as opposed to real ethereal streams created by
the lack or excess of Ether in the ethereal field). But, nevertheless, due to
the fact that particles are filled with Ether, an effect of the action of a
moving particle on the particle along the way, much like an action of the Field
of Repulsion.
The similarity lies
in the fact that in each of these cases the particle tends to move away from
pressing on it Ether – from Ether filling the particle, or from Ether of Fields
of Repulsion. The difference lies in the fact that is, if the particle is fixed
by some Field of Attraction (for example, by Field of Attraction of a chemical
element) and can’t freely move with pressing on it Ether, in the case of the
action of Repulsion Field the Ether of this Field pass through it. Ether enters
into the particle and transforms it. But Ether filling a particle can’t leave
it and enter in another particle, which presses and, accordingly, its
transformation doesn’t occur.
The most common
example when in particles the Pressure Force on the part of the other particle
is formed – is collision of particles.
A pressure on a
particle very often leads to arising the Force of Inertia and the beginning of
its inertial motion.
A) A particle,
putting pressure on the other particle is free (not part of any conglomerate
particles) and moves on their own – by inertia.
Accordingly, at the
time of collision it has a Field of Repulsion and an Inertial Force acts in it.
However, due to the fact that the ethereal field, relative to which it moves,
offers resistance and displaces emitted by the particle Ether to the back, the
particle pressing not with Ether of the Field of Repulsion, and with the
filling it Ether.
B) A particle
putting pressure is a part of the conglomerate of particles, such as a chemical
A chemical element,
in turn, is a part of the body which is just moving by inertia.
As a result, the
particles in the elements on the surface of the body put a pressure.
Not all particles
of elements of the body moving by inertia form a Repulsive Field at the moment
of inertial motion. Therefore, the pressure of the analyzed particle may put as
a particle with a Field of Repulsion and a particle with a Field of Attraction.
However, in any case, the Ether filling the particle puts the pressure on the
studying particle. Even if it is a particle with a Field of Repulsion, as
emitted by it Ether is displaced during the inertial motion back under the
pressure of surrounding ethereal field.
So, let's summarize
and give definition to all 4th types of Force.
Force of Attraction – is a reason that
causes a particle to move in the direction of appearing anywhere in the ethereal
field of the universe a lack of Ether.
Force of Repulsion – is a reason
causes a particle to move away from appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of
the universe an excess of Ether.
Force of Inertia – is a tendency of
a particle to move away from its own Ether emitted by its rear (on the
direction of moving) hemisphere.
Force of Pressure
of the particle surface – is a tendency of a particle to move in the same
direction that and pressing on it other particle.
Let us ask
ourselves the following question – why Forces are capable to influence on
elementary particles? Or you can say otherwise – why do particles obey to
In the books, films
and TV programs on physics we can hear or read the following statements:
"The force with which the body is exposed to…", "The force that
was applied to the body…", etc. How to interpret the deeper meaning of
these phrases?
We must start with
a reminder that Force – this is a reason that causes particles (Souls) to move
in the Space. Each of the four existing types of Forces affects on the Souls
(particles) – i.e. drives them – in a manner somewhat different from the rest.
The Force of Attraction makes particles to approach. The Force of Repulsion and
the Force of Pressure of the Particle Surface repel particles. The Force of
Inertia pushes forward the emitting this Force (this Ether) particle. But
despite this difference, the reasons for which particles obey to the Forces,
fully fit into the framework of two principles of behavior of Ether, which we
described in the book “The main occult laws and concepts”. Because particles
are nothing more than Ether. Let us recall the main points about these two
Two principles
manage by distribution of Ether in the universe. You can call them "Nature
abhors a vacuum" and " Nature abhors a surplus". In other words
–"In the ethereal field voids do not occur" and “In
the ethereal field areas with excessive density do not occur".
All existing in the
universe Ether tends to evenly fill every point of Space. Hence, the first
principle of behavior of Ether - "In nature there is no void".
The expression "Nature abhors a vacuum" in this case
means that, if at any point of Space Ether disappears, ambient ethereal field "flows" in this direction,
creating an ethereal flow.
How is it going a
movement of Ether in the direction of deficiency of it? Ether, adjacent to the
place where some Ether disappears rushes there. As a result, the place where it
has just been is released. In its place, Ether rushes, which coexisted with it,
and is further from the place where Ether disappears. And in its place Ether
rushes, located further away from the place of deficiency of Ether. And so on
to infinity.
As a result to the
place of deficiency of Ether from the ambient ethereal field an ethereal stream
Thus, Spirit
(Ether) does not allow the Space being empty, i.e. devoid of Ether.
This principle of
Ether behavior is the basis of the mechanism of gravity – an attraction to each
other of objects ranging from such as elementary particles.
The second
principle of behavior of Ether - "In nature there is no excess"
- meaning that if at any point of the Space, there is an excess of Ether, that
Ether surrounding this point begins to move away from this point. Otherwise you
can say that arising Ether pushes surrounding Ether.
This principle,
like the previous one, also applies to Ether in elementary particles.
This principle is
the basis of the mechanism of anti-gravity - that is, a repulsion of objects.
If areas with
deficiency or excess of Ether did not arise in the ethereal field of the
universe, then all existing Ether would be absolutely motionless. But an existence
of elementary particles in Space is the reason that Spirit of the universe is
constantly in motion, striving in any direction. It either tends to distance
itself from a emerging nearby redundancy (forming by particles with Fields of
Repulsion), or tends to approach to the failure occurring nearby (forming by
particles with Fields of Attraction). All Ether, moving to a particular place
where there is a deficiency of it, or moving away from the place where there is
an excess, forms an ethereal flow. An existence of ethereal flows
is a consequence of the first and second principles of behavior of Ether.
Any unit of Ether
volume at each moment of time is a part of any ethereal stream – i.e. seeks to
distance itself from the excess of Ether or approach to deficiency. Elementary
particles may play the role of "units of the Ether volume".
Especially that it is in fact - each elementary particle is a sphere that has a
certain volume (the same for all particles).
Ether, which
belongs each moment of time the elementary particles is not different from the
free Ether. Therefore Ether of any elementary particle at each moment of time
included in the composition of any ethereal stream - i.e. tends to move away
from an excess of Ether or approach to a deficiency. Elementary particles tend
to move together with filling them ethereal waves. Any tendency that arises in
an elementary particle - to move away from an excess of Ether or approach to a
deficiency, this is the "subordination to the Force".
Only one of four
Forces – Force of Attraction – is based on the principle of approximation to a
deficiency of Ether. All other Forces – Repulsion Force, Force of Pressure and
Force of Inertia – are based on the second principle – separation from the
excess of Ether.
So we have told
about the reasons that make the particles to obey. Any elementary particle
is a cause of emergence of the Force (Attraction or Repulsion – this is a
prerequisite) in all other particles of the universe. And at the same time, any
particle is the point of application of Force Fields of all other particles of
the universe. Optional (but not necessarily) particles may become a source of
Force of Moving Particle or point of their application of other particles. And
in a moving particle a Force of Inertia can arises.
Force is closely
linked with the concept of pressure.
Force is Ether,
Energy. Free Ether emitted by particles, is a Force. This Ether (i.e., this
Force) is able to put pressure on bodies, i.e. to impact mechanically – and to
move them, deform and destroy. At the same time Ether filling particles – it is
also a Force. That is, each elementary particle – its surface – is a Force. And
when any particle moves and collides with other particles, it put pressure on
The first of these
Forces – free, emitted Ether – is associated with particles Yang, since exactly
they emit Ether. Particles Yang – are Forces of Repulsion.
The second Force –
is Force of pressure of the particle surface. Any moving particle
– whether Yin or Yang – represents a Force of Movement. That is, a moving
particle acts as a Force – it can exert pressure.
The third Force is Force
of Attraction. Particles Yin absorbing Ether when they are motionless
nevertheless also are Forces. But this Force is special, unlike the previous
two. Because that the Gravity Field created by such particle does not lead to
pressure of the particle on another (unlike the above two cases). However, the
Gravity Field of a particle Yin is the cause, first, of the pressure on this
particle by other particles Yin that are attracted to it, and secondly, of the
pressure exerted by the particles Yin each other in their aspiration to be
attracted to our particle. This latter case of pressure we can observe in the
world around us when we are in the heavenly body – in the planet. Solid and
liquid bodies, aiming towards the center of Earth, press on each other. Each of
us can feel this pressure by its own body, if, for example, put on the palm any
object, even a book. Elementary particles of chemical elements of the book are
gravitated by particles Yin of chemical elements of the Earth. Because of this,
the particles of the book put pressure on each other, and on the particles of
the hand.
The last of the
Forces – is Force of Inertia. Ether emitted by rear hemisphere of a moving
particle presses only on the particle itself.
Thus, particles Yin
and Yang may either themselves act as Forces (their surface), or become an
indirect cause of a Force – particles with Fields of Repulsion generate Forces
of Repulsion and particles with Fields of Attraction give rise to Forces of
We remind you once
again that a Force – it is nothing like Ether (Energy) – either
free (emitted), or enclosed in a particle. And there are only four types of
forces – Repulsion, Attraction, Pressure of Surface of the particle
and Inertial.
All four of these
types of Forces are the cause of the pressure on particles – either on free, or
on ones that in conglomerates of particles. Pressure caused by any of three
Forces, is not different from pressure of other types of Forces. Pressure of
emitted Ether is exactly the same as pressure of a moving particle. And it is
completely identical to pressure the cause of which – is a Force of Attraction.
That is, free Ether presses as well as Ether, enclosed in an elementary
particle. The only difference between pressure of free Ether and pressure of
particles - is that free Ether, exerting pressure on a particle, at the same
time is able to pass through it, break down in it, and heat it in a such way
(transform it). By the way, atmospheric pressure is exactly this type of
pressure. It is capable to heat bodies on the surface of the planet, passing
through them. But when a particle surface presses on a particle, Ether of the
particle can’t enter into the particle, and consequently, can’t transform
(heat) it.
The world around us
is woven from Forces, as Force - is Ether and Ether in the universe is
everywhere. Force - this is what tends to move something from the place.
One of the differences between mechanics of bodies and mechanics of
stable elementary particles is that the particles under the influence of forces
may only move.
They can not to be deformed and disintegrate for one reason -
they are inseparable. While a body (or even unstable particle - conglomerate),
when a force acts on it (or forces), may move and be deformed and broken down.
In mechanics of
bodies (in classical mechanics) there is a wonderful way to help find out in
which direction the body will tend to move under an influence of all forces
that act on it. Also, to calculate the resultant forces. This method is well
known as the Rule of the Parallelogram of Forces.
It was opened by Galileo
Galilei, and the precise definition of this rule was given by Pierre
Varinon in 1687.
The Rule of
Parallelogram of Forces says that the resultant force vector is the diagonal of
the parallelogram formed by the vectors of two summands of forces as on the
This rule
surprisingly well helps to calculate precisely the direction in which a body
will move (or will try to move) if it is acted upon more than one of the Force.
And in our world every body is always at the same time experiencing an impact
of the myriad of external forces (because any particle in any chemical element
- is a source of Force).
Moreover this Rule
is perfectly suited for elementary particles. With it, we can see the direction
in which an elementary particle will shift at every moment of time if two or
more Forces act on it at the same time. And also we can know the ratio of the
values of Forces - an original and a resultant. And the type of each of the
forces can be any. The diagonal of Parallelogram - this is an indication of direction, as well
as a measure of the resultant Force. However, please note an important factor -
a new Parallelogram of Forces should be built to each next moment of being of
the particle.
Let's take a little
closer look at the essence of the Rule of Parallelogram. And in the course of this
analysis we will give it a slightly different name – the Rule of Subordination to the Dominant
Force. This will allow us to better understand the characteristics of behaviour
of elementary particles (and any conglomerates of particles) because the Rule
of Parallelogram in the form of which it exists now, not fully reveal the
meaning of what is happening with the particle when more than one Force affects
on it. For example, it says nothing about the fact that there are different
types of Forces.
The Dominant Force –
is the Force which is greater in magnitude. As we said earlier, a magnitude of a
Force - is the rate of ethereal flow entraining the particle. Moreover, Ether
just fills a particle can act as an ethereal flow (as in the case of the Force
of Pressure of the particle surface).
The Rule of Subordination
to the Dominant Force (the Rule of Parallelogram) represents that the
particle, on which act more than one Force, to the greatest extent will be
subject to the higher of them. What does this mean? This means that the vector
of resultant forces at each moment will be more biased towards the vector of
Force with the highest magnitude. That is, the biggest Force prevails, but
other Forces also have an effect on the position of the resultant force vector.
You can further specify the name of the rule - Subordination to the Dominant
Force with an accounting of actions of the remaining forces.
The Dominant Force
shifts the vector of resultant Force in its own direction more than others. And
other, smaller forces do not give this vector to fully submit to this biggest Force.
They pull the vector in their direction in proportion to their magnitude.
In general, in the
analysis of any situation in which an elementary particle is influenced by more
than one force it is necessary to consider a number of factors. First, you
need to know how many forces acting on the particle and the value of each of
them. Secondly, you need to know at what angle the vectors
of Forces are placed one against the other. And third, you
must consider the type each of forces. Only evaluating all these
factors, we can try to calculate the direction and velocity of a particle at
every moment of time. Let's take a little closer look at these factors.
1) A value and
total quantity of forces acting on a particle must be assessed in each particular case.
In that case, if a
number of forces acting on the particle is greater than two, we should do the
same as in the case of bodies. We need to build the parallelogram for two
forces. Then we will make the next parallelogram, using the resulting vector
and the next of forces. And so on, until it will be account all of Forces.
2) An angle between
the vectors of forces acting on a particle is very important in clarifying the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force.
A) An angle between
vectors of Forces is from 0˚ to 90˚.
In this case there
is some kind of summation of the Forces acting on the particle. Of course, the
resultant Force will not be exactly equal to the sum of two Forces acting on
the particle. But in any case it will be more than either of two forces, on
whose vectors we build the parallelogram. You can see this in the value of the
diagonal of a parallelogram. And the sharper an angle is, the bigger the value
of the resultant Force is.
An extreme case of
an acute angle is 0˚, i.e. absence of corner. Force vectors are on one
line, and their direction is the same. In this case, it is impossible to
construct the parallelogram. Instead of it - straight, we put on it two segments,
each of which is equal to one of the operating Forces. At 0˚ is the total
summing of Force vectors.
B) An angle between
vectors of Forces is more than 90˚.
In this case you
can see from the picture, there is a kind of subtraction Forces. The resultant Force
is always more than the smaller of two Forces and less of the biggest one.
Confirmation of this is a value of the diagonal. And the greater an angle is,
the smaller the resultant force is.
An extreme case of an
obtuse angle is an angle of 180˚. Force vectors are collinear.
However, unlike an angle equal to 0˚, the vectors are in opposite directions.
In this extreme case, there is just subtraction from the vector of greater
force the vector of less. The difference is exactly corresponds to the
magnitude of the resultant force.
In any case, for
any value of an angle, the vector of resultant Force is always largely shifted
to the larger of two Forces. That is, the biggest Force makes the particle to
shift in its own direction more than other.
3) Finally, we present
information about how the Rule of Parallelogram depends on the type of Forces acting on a
A) Even though
sources of all types of forces are different, and their effect on a
particle can be compared, since each of the forces tends to cause the particles
to move. And so, even if the forces acting on a particle are of different
types, you can build the Parallelogram of Forces on the vectors, and its
diagonal will be showing the direction in which the particle will move.
The value of the
Force vector is greater, the greater a force is. A Force is greater, the
greater is the velocity with which the particle shifted in this direction if
another Force would not act on it (or other Forces).
The length of the
vector of resultant Force – of the diagonal - corresponds to the rate at which a
particle will be displaced by the action of two Forces applied to it.
B) We have
established earlier that there are only four main types of forces. When Galileo
deduced the Rule of Parallelogram, it is obvious that he has done in relation
to the Forces, with which some bodies put pressure on others or drag them,
making to move. This type of Force is called in this book the Force of Pressure
of the Particle Surface. We have heard a little about that the Rule of Parallelogram
is used for Gravity Force. Especially, this limit applies to Repulsive Force
and Force of Inertia, the first of which is almost not recognized by science,
and the second is not known at all.
But anyway, this
rule is universal and can be used for any of four types of forces - Pressure of
the Particle Surface, Attraction, Repulsion and Inertia. However unchanged it
can be applied only to Force of Pressure of the Particle Surface, i.e. for the
same event, which is described by Galileo for bodies.
Two bodies affect
on the body from both sides - or put pressure on it or drag. In our case, two
particles press on the particle (they can’t mechanically drag the particle).
Taken separately a
free particle will never cause long-term pressure on other particle, if only the
Force of Attraction doesn’t act on it from another particle. Alternatively, if
particles are included into bodies and they squeeze each other and any particle
between them. Therefore, in our case it is one-stage pressure on the particle
of two particles as a result of the collision with it. When two particles
collide with a particle, it starts to move by inertia, exactly in accordance
with the Rule of Parallelogram. The diagonal (resultant Force vector) shows the
direction in which the particle will move. How long inertial motion will,
depends on the rate at which the particles were moving at the time of the
collision with it, on the angle between the vectors of Forces and more on the
quality of the particle itself.
C) The only
difficulty that we face in the construction of Parallelogram of Forces is
related to Attraction and Repulsion Forces. Here it is spoken even more
likely not about the difficulty but about of strangeness. Sources of forces of
attraction or repulsion are located from the particle on one or another distance.
However, the particle feels effect of these forces directly. This is not
surprising, because a gravitational interaction or anti-gravitational
propagates instantaneously. This instantaneous dissemination is explained by
the fact that an ethereal "cloth" – it is a kind of monolith that
fills homogeneously the entire universe. And the appearance in this cloth of
any excess or deficiency of Ether is immediately felt at any distance.
In this case, when
types of Forces acting on a particle, are different, the vector of Forces must
indicate the direction in which the Force strives to displace the particle. For
example, if a Force of Attraction acts on a particle, so the vector will be
directed to an object, the source of this force, and not of it. But in the case
of Repulsion Force all is the opposite. The vector will be directed from the
source of the Force.
As the Force of Pressure
of the Particle Surface, everything is the same as in mechanics of bodies. In
this case, the source of Force is in direct contact with the particle -
collides with it. And vector of this Force is directed in the same direction as
the motion vector of a particle whose surface exerts pressure.
And finally, there
is last of Forces – Force of Inertia. The presence of this force can be
discussed only in the case if a particle is moving by inertia. If the particle
is not moving by inertia, there is no Force of Inertia. A vector of Inertia Force
always coincides with the vector of motion of particle at this moment. A vector
of Inertia Force is Ether emitted by the rear Hemisphere of particle.
D) Never happens
that two forces acting on a particle were inertial, as a particle can move by
inertia at each moment of time only in one direction.
E) If one or both of Forces
acting on a particle relate to the type or of Attraction or Repulsion, the
particle will move in parabola, gradually displacing by the action of
the larger Force.
If one of Forces
acting on a particle refers to the type of Attraction or Repulsion, and the
second - is Force of Inertia, while the trajectory of the particle is also
F) It is
never at the same time Forces of Attraction and Repulsion act on a particle, and
their vectors would on the same line and would be opposite directions.
The reason is that Force of Attraction and Force of Repulsion are Forces-antipodes.
A vector of Force of Attraction is directed to the source of Force. And a
vector of Repulsion Force is directed from it. Therefore, if sources of Attraction
and Repulsion Forces are located on opposite sides of a particle, the vectors
of their forces will be summed.
If sources of Forces
are on one side of a particle, the particle will feel only any one of Forces -
either of Attraction or Repulsion. And all because the Fields of Attraction and
Repulsion screen and affect on the value of each other.
But in any case, the
Rule of Parallelogram can be used to any particle, to determine with its help a
direction and magnitude of resultant Force. In accordance with the magnitude
and direction of the vector a particle will be displaced in a given moment of time.
All that we have
just been said of the Rule of Parallelogram for particles can be fully used for
A mechanical process and a mechanical phenomenon - are
special cases of physical process and physical phenomenon.
A process - is an event, occurring in
A phenomenon can be viewed either as
an event selected at some point of time of a process, either as a generalized
name of a process.
Accordingly, we understand under a mechanical process any
mechanical event having time frames. We will call as a mechanical phenomenon the
same mechanical process, but in a more general form, without specifying that it
has any time limits.
There are four basic mechanical processes. They
correspond to the four basic mechanical phenomena, each of which summarizes the
mechanical process with the same name. In this section we talk about mechanics
of elementary particles, so we formulate concepts related to elementary
particles. Here are four basic mechanical processes and phenomena:
1) Attraction of elementary particles;
2) Repulsion of elementary particles;
3) Inertial motion of elementary particles;
4) Collision of particles.
properties of elementary particles - are their characteristics that
manifests (are disclosed) in those processes and mechanical phenomena, in which
particles involved.
Let's draw a
parallel between the main mechanical processes (and phenomena) and mechanical
properties of elementary particles, which in this case are revealed.
1) The phenomenon of "Attraction
of particles" reveals their following mechanical property - an
ability to approach with other particles and keep them near, i.e. an
ability to form and maintain a connection with other particles. This
mechanical property (i.e. this ability) belongs only to particles with Fields
of Attraction.
2) The phenomenon of
"Repulsion of particles" reveals the following mechanical
property of particles - an ability to move away from other particles, i.e. an
ability to keep a distance between itself and other particles. In
particular, the ability to weaken or break existing connections (e.g., an
increase in the total number of particles with Fields of Repulsion in elements
linked chemically, can lead to rupture of the connection).
3) The phenomenon of
"Inertia of particles" reveals an ability of particles to maintain a state
of inertial motion. And as a distinguishing feature of particles of
different quality it reveals an ability of particles to keep the initial
speed during the motion.
4) The phenomenon of "Collisions
of particles" reveals two mechanical properties of elementary
An ability of particles to be brought into the state of inertial motion;
An ability of particles to lead other particles into the state of inertial motion.
The mechanism of attraction
bases on the first principle of behavior of Ether - "In the ethereal field
voids do not occur". Ether filling a particle moves in the
direction of lack of Ether, appearing in the place of ethereal field where an
object with a Field of Attraction is located. It does not matter what quality the
gravitating particle has - it can has as an Attractive Field and a Repulsive Field,
and a magnitude of these fields can be any. In any case, filling it Ether will
move in the direction of lack – i.e. comprising an ethereal flow of Attraction
Field of the object that attracts the particle.
ethereal flow of Field of Attraction, enthralling the attracting particle, this
is the Force of Attraction.
Immediately we should clarify a very important point.
If both interacting particles have Fields of Attraction with different magnitudes,
then an attracting particle is the one with a bigger field, and an attracted
particle is the one with a smaller Field. I.e. a particle with a smaller Field
of Attraction will approach to the particle with a bigger field, and not vice
versa. You can call it the Rule of Submission to the Dominant Force
of Gravity. However, both particles fell an existence and action of Fields
of Attraction of each other – as wit a Field of greater magnitude and smaller.
But to feel a Field – it doesn’t mean to obey him. Let’s repeat – the particle with
a smaller Field obeys to the particle with a bigger one moves toward it.
If both particles have Fields of Attraction and their
value is the same, then they are both simultaneously attracting and attracted.
And both will move towards each other - converge.
In the event that only one of the particles has an Attractive
Field, and the second is characterized by the Field of Repulsion, while only a
particle Yin can be an attracting one. A Yang particle always is attracted.
When a particle moving in Gravity Field of other
particle, and then comes closer, it stops - a connection arise between
the particles. You can call it the gravitational, i.e. due to the
action of Attraction Field. There is no chemical, nuclear or any other kinds of
connection. Any type of this one is gravitational, i.e. existing due to the action
of the Attraction Field. An emergence of connection between particles we
can call as a fixing of the particles each to other.
However, as we’ll say in the future in an article
about the transformation by gravity, attracted particles do not touch each
other. The gap between them remains. And phenomenon of transformation of the
quality explains by the preservation of distance.
The process of gravitation we can compare with the
winding up of thread. If both particles have Fields of Attraction, then the
"tangles" are located directly at both ends of "thread",
and they both wind the "thread" at the same time, each with their own
side. The "thread" in this case - is Ether and the "tangles"
– are particles. A tangle-particle, "winding" Ether with a higher speed
bring closer to itself a "tangle" winding Ether with a slower speed.
When the "tangles" completely reel up free "thread" among
themselves, they are in contact with each other and stop. In this case, both
"tangles" reel up the “thread”, that is, both have the Field of
But it may be that only one of the "tangles"
is winding a "thread", while another is unwinding it – i.e. only one
of the particles has a Field of Attraction, while other has a Repulsive Field.
Naturally, tangles-particles with Fields of Attraction can wind the thread onto
itself indefinitely without changing their sizes, as well as particles with
Fields of Repulsion are infinitely capable to unwind it off (also not changing a
size of the radius). So this is the process of attraction of particles.
Thus, even after the particles are attracted to the
contact they continue to strive towards each other so as Ether, filling every particle
at each point in time continues to strive towards an adjacent particle, where a
lack of Ether is. Constantly created by attracted particles with Fields of
Attraction an "ethereal emptiness" is precisely the cause of the
"connection" of particles.
When attracting and attracted particles close together
and touch, they continue to absorb Ether between them at the point of contact.
Do not forget that the particles absorb not the Ether, which is in contact with
the surface of the particles, and the one in which the surface is submerged.
Particles are the spheres and the area of their contact with each other is only
one point. Ether still continues to receive from the ambient field to the
particle surfaces contacting each other. Therefore, in the area of contact of
the particles with each other the lack of receipt of Ether from the surrounding
field does not arise.
As already mentioned, an ethereal flow, causing the
particle to move along with filling it Ether is a Force (in this case, a Force
of Attraction).
Force of Attraction can occur in particles of any
quality. Let's look at the details of the mechanism of gravity on example of
particles of different quality. A thought experiment that we are conducting occurs
in ideal conditions – i.e. in a totally empty space. One of the interacting
particles necessarily has a Field of Attraction.
1) Both interacting
particles have Fields of Attraction.
A) The value of
Attraction Fields of both particles is the same. In this case, each
of the particles is both attractive and attracted. In each of the particles an
Attractive Force occurs and it causes the particle to come closer to the second
In this case, each
of the particles is in the composition of the ethereal cloth. And this ethereal
fabric is contracted from both sides, and both particles move in its
composition. And each of them is subject to the first principle of behavior of Ether
- "In the ethereal field voids do not occur". In accordance
with this principle, in each of sides there an ethereal flow is, directed to
the second particle. I.e. each of these particles creates toward itself an
ethereal flow – a Field of Attraction. And other particle responds to this ethereal
flow, as it is filled with Ether too. Therefore it moves in the composition of
this ethereal flow in the direction of a second particle which is its cause.
The Force of Attraction of each of two gravitating
particles - is an ethereal flow, carrying it to another, attracting it
particle. The Force of Attraction of each of two attracted particles we can
measure by the speed with which the attracted particle comes near to the
attracting one.
What factors determines the speed of approaching of an
attracted particle to attracting?
Well, firstly, a magnitude of the Field of Attraction of
attracting particle. This is the first factor. An ethereal flow, which
is composed of attracted particle, approaches to this particle. A magnitude of Field
of Attraction, as we recall, is the value of the rate of absorption of Ether by
the object forming this field. The speed with which Ether moves to the object
forming this field depends on the distance to the object. The greater is a
distance, the slower a flow of Ether is and the lower, respectively, the Force
of Attraction to the object that arises at this point. Thus, a
distance to attracting particles - this is the second factor influencing a
magnitude of Force of Attraction.
And finally, the third factor - is a quality of an
attracted particle. Quality of particles can be anything. This is
either an Attractive Field or a Repulsion Field. And the value of the field can
be any. In this case we are talking about an attracted particle with a Field of
Attraction. So why does a quality of a particle affect a magnitude of Force of Attraction?
All the matter is that any particle with a Field of Attraction,
absorbing Ether, thereby constantly creates around a so-called "ethereal
pit" (ethereal void). It turns out that a particle will fall into an
"ethereal pit" which it constantly creates itself on the other side,
where the attracting particle is. And a speed of creation of "ethereal pit"
corresponds to the rate of absorption of Ether by itself – i.e. to its value of
the Field of Attraction.
Thus, we now take and slightly modify the formula of
Isaac Newton, describing the law of gravitation. Of course, the scientist
applies his law only to macro-objects - in particular, to the heavenly bodies.
But any body is constructed of chemical elements, which in turn are built from
elementary particles. And so gravity in the first turn is inherent to elementary
particles. At Newton
an Attraction Force equals the product of two masses divided by the square of
the distance between the bodies:
F = m1 × m2 / r ² (coefficient G left aside here, because we want to draw your attention
to the basic physical quantities).
Amendments to this formula will be as follows. First, instead
of the multiplication, we use the sum. In order to know at some point of
time the speed at which an investigated attracted particle comes near to an attracting
object, we need not to multiply their Fields of Attraction (masses), namely to
sum. A Field Attraction - is speed of moving of Ether to an object which
absorbs Ether. In order to know the speed of particles is necessary to sum the
speed of ethereal flow generated by an attracting particle (the value of its Field
of Attraction at this point), as well as the speed with which an attracted particle
falls into the created by itself an "ethereal pit".
So we just have to take mass of an attracted particle
and to add to it an Attractive Field of an attracting particle, calculated at a
given point, i.e. given a distance. To do this, we do not take an original
value of the mass of the attracting object, and the mass divided by the
distance. I.e. formula for calculating Force of Attraction must have the form:
F = (m1 / r) + m2, where m1 / r - is the mass of an attracting object, calculated for a
given point, i.e. given the distance, and m2 - is the mass of an attracted
particle. This formula can be applied not only in relation to one individual
elementary particle, but also to attraction of chemical elements, as well as bodies.
Pay attention! This formula is suitable only for those
cases where an object itself has a Field of Attraction – i.e. mass. If
an attracted particle has antimass (i.e. generates a Repulsive Field), the
formula will change somewhat. How it will change, we will see below.
An Attraction Field increases as we come near to the
source of this field. This means that the closer to a source of gravity, the
higher the speed of an ethereal flow is. For this reason, convergence of an attracted
particle to an attracting particle occurs at not a constant speed, and at acceleration.
Note, should not confuse this acceleration with an
acceleration of bodies, which is observed during their free fall in the
atmosphere of a celestial body.
In this case, Fields of Attraction of both particles
are equal. This means that both will come near each other with the same
acceleration. However, as we’ll see in the following example, all will be
somewhat different in the case of Attraction Fields of particles are not the
same. And even the most difference will be when an attracted particle has not the
Field of Attraction and the Field of Repulsion.
B) The value of Attraction Field of one of the
particles is larger than Field of Attraction of other particle.
Even despite the fact that in this case the value of Fields
of Attraction of the particles is different, the mechanism of their attraction
to each other in many respects similar to that described above. In this case,
only one of the particles is an attracted to each other - the one that has
greater Attraction Field value (attracts Ether with a higher speed). It is this
particle becomes a cause of Force of Attraction in the second particle - with
less Field of Attraction. The magnitude of this Force of Attraction can be
found from the formula that we derived in the previous example: F =
(m1 / r) + m2, where m1 / r - is the mass of an
attracting object, calculated for a given point, i.e. given the distance and m2
- is the mass of an attracted particle. Here m1 - is the mass of the particle
with a larger Field of Attraction and m2 – is the mass of a particle with
the Field of lesser magnitude.
2) An attracted particle
has Field of Repulsion.
In this case, a Force
of Attraction also occurs in only one particle - one that has a Field of
Repulsion. The particle with a Field of Attraction calls the Force.
In this case, the attracted
particle is also moving towards the attracting particle comprising an ethereal
flow, which it creates. However, an attracted particle with a Field of
Repulsion constantly emits in all directions Ether - including in the direction
of an attracting particle. Thus, this particle is constantly increasing a
number of Ether, that shares it and the gravitating particle – i.e. constantly
forms a kind of "ethereal cushion" that prevents
a convergence of the particle with attracting one or just slows it.
A Repulsion Field -
is also an ethereal flow, but not coming ear to the particle, and moving away
from it. And all the particles that fall into a zone of action of this ethereal
flow also move with it and move away from the source of this Repulsion Field. I.e.
because an attracted particle possess by a Field of Repulsion, it causes a
response Force in attracting particle - a Force of Repulsion.
Particles will approach still closer or there will be
their distancing or the distance between them remains constant, it depends of
the Fields of Attraction of an attracting particle at a given distance and of
the Field of Repulsion of an attracted particle. If both fields at a given
point are equal in magnitude, the distance between the particles will remain
unchanged. If the magnitude of the Field of Attraction at a given point of
Attraction is more in modulus, the particles will approach closer. And if more the
value of Repulsion Field of a particle, the distance between the particles will
And here is the promised formula for calculating an
initial Force of Attraction of a particle, which itself has a Field of Repulsion.
F = (m1 / r) - am2, where m1 / r - is the mass of an attracting object, calculated for a
given point, i.e. given the distance and am2 - is the antimass of an attracted
particle. Note here we make no summing of the Fields of Attraction and
Repulsion, and their subtraction. Subtraction we produce for the reason that a Repulsive
Field of an attracted particle reduces the speed at which in each moment of
time this particle tends to move in the direction of the attracting particle.
Let us illustrate the above formula by means of small
Assume the mass of an attracted particle equals 9
arbitrary units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3 standard units, and
the distance between the particles is 2 standard units. Then, according to the
formula a primary Force of Attraction in the attracting particle is: F =
(9/2) - 3 = 1.5.
Since the Force of Attraction here has the
"+" sign, the attracted particle with the Field of Repulsion will approach
closer with the attracting particle.
There is another example. The mass of an attracting
particle equals 6 standard units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3
standard units, and the distance between the particles is 2 standard units.
Then, according to the formula a primary Force of Attraction in the attracted
particle is: F = (6/2) - 3 = 0.
Since the Force of Attraction in this case is zero,
there will no be an approaching of the particles or distancing them.
There is a third example. The mass of an attracted particle
equals 4 standard units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3 standard
units. The distance between the particles is 2 standard units. Then, according
to the formula a primary Force of Attraction in the attracted particle is: F =
(4/2) - 3 = -1.
In this case, the Force of Attraction has a
"-" sign. This means that the particles will drift apart from each other.
Let's revisit again
all values in the formula F = Gm1 * m2 / r², which describes
the Law of Gravitation, formulated by Isaac Newton.
1) An elementary
particle is the main participant of gravity.
Isaac Newton
deduced the Law of Universal Gravitation, based on observations of motion of
celestial bodies.
He laid great
groundwork in order to fully understand what a phenomenon of attraction is. He
laid a foundation, but this is not enough. Newton talked about attraction of objects of
macrocosm and has not spread this phenomenon to microcosm. This is
understandable. After all, at his life, humanity has not yet opened a microcosm
- not chemical elements, not elementary particles.
The task of modern physics is precisely to grasp by
its laws all that is in the universe, in particular, to extend the phenomenon of attraction (gravitation) to
objects of microcosm. As long as this is not done, there will be separate from
each other gravitational interaction, strong interaction and magnetism.
Once physics will make an elementary particle as the
main party of the Law of universal gravitation, this problem will disappear by
itself, and all three of these interactions in the minds of scientists merge
into one.
And while carriers of gravitational interaction are
only celestial bodies – i.e. it’s a Newton 's
legacy. But celestial bodies are not built of chemical elements and chemical
elements are not built of elementary particles?
However, modern science is still afraid to let go of
the fatherly hand of Newton
and move on its own. Need, we need to do it! Necessary to transform an
elementary particle of a "passive observer" of the process of gravitation
of celestial bodies into the sole cause of this process.
2) You do not consider acceleration of gravity as a
cause of depending of force of attraction on the distance.
If anyone believes that increasing of speed of a
falling solid or liquid body as shortening the distance between it and the
center of the planet can be seen as evidence that Force of Attraction increases
with decreasing a distance between objects, it is a wrong conclusion.
The reason for acceleration of the body during its
free fall - not reducing the distance to the center of the planet, and inertia
of the falling body! We consider in detail the reasons for acceleration of
freely falling bodies in the book “Mechanics of bodies”.
There is a proof of our arguments. A body can achieve the same speed
at different heights of fall. It depends on the magnitude of path traveled by
it in the atmosphere. The longer it is, the greater the speed is. A body may
reach a certain velocity and near the surface and somewhere at high altitude.
As you can see, this fact contradicts the conclusions of modern physics. It
claims that at a certain height the rate of fall must have a certain value, which
must be a constant. So it follows from Newton ’s
law of gravity. But in practice it is not. Consequently, it is not Force of Gravity
is the reason for the growth of velocity of the body during its free fall.
The true cause of acceleration – is inertia of body
motion, i.e. self-sustaining movement. It’s an impulse.
3) The distance
between gravitationally interacting bodies.
Does the
distance between gravitationally interacting objects affect the magnitude of Force
of Attraction?
The answer – “yes”.
Distance to the object with Field of Attraction affects the value of Force of Attraction,
caused by this object in the studied particle.
As already mentioned,
a particle is a sphere and if moving away from it, the volume of space
surrounding the particle will increase concentrically. Accordingly, the farther
away from the particle, the bigger is an amount of Ether surrounding the
particle. Each particle with Force of Attraction absorbs Ether from the ambient
ethereal field at a certain speed. The speed of absorption of Ether by the
particle - this is originally inherent to this particle a value of the Field of
Attraction. However, the farther away from a particle, the greater is an amount
of Ether will surround it. Accordingly, the farther away from a particle, the
smaller will be the rate at which Ether is closer to a given particle (i.e.,
the smaller the speed of an ethereal flow) - i.e. the smaller is the value of the
Field of Attraction. Thus, we say, first, about the value of the Field of
Attraction originally inherent to this particle, and second, about the value of
the Field of Attraction at a certain distance from the particle.
Accordingly, the farther away an investigated particle
is from the particle with the Field of Attraction, causing in it the Force of Gravity,
the less is the value of this Force.
For example, let’s consider such a case. Some particle
interacts with two particles forming Fields of Attraction. However, the Gravity
Field of one of these particles is greater than the Field of Attraction of the
second particle. Nevertheless, all ultimately determine the distance at which
these particles will be situated from the investigated particle. And it may
happen that a particle with a larger Field of Attraction causes a smaller Force
of Attraction - if it will be much farther than a particle with smaller Field
of Attraction.
13. MASS
A little earlier,
we have already put an equal sign between the concepts of mass and Field
of Attraction. Now let's find out what is weight.
Referring to the Encyclopedic
Dictionary - what is definition of weight given there?
"Weight is a
force with which a body acts on a reliance (or hanger), it prevents free
fall" (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, ed. Prokhorov).
"Weight is a
numerical value of the Force of Gravity acting on a body located near the
earth's surface" (Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary, ed. Prokhorov).
In this case, the
concept expounded in this book, is consonant with the theory of modern physics.
- is Force of Attraction (Gravity).
In encyclopedic dictionaries nobody says about weight
of elementary particles, this term everybody refers only to bodies. However,
bodies are constructed of chemical elements, which, in its turn, consist of
elementary particles. Therefore, before we talk about weight (Force of
Attraction) of bodies, we should apply this concept to elementary particles.
A source of Field of Attraction is a particle with Field
of Attraction or a chemical element, which fully or partially manifests
outwardly the Total Field of Attraction, or a body of usual sizes, containing
elements with Fields of Attraction, or a celestial body. If we take at random any
elementary particle, then any of these sources will cause in it the
corresponding Force of Gravity. Any of these Forces represents just the weight
of particle with respect to the source of the Field of Attraction, causing this
14. THE
Particles with Fields
of Attraction are the cause of Forces of Attraction in the surrounding
particles. And what is about the particles forming in the ethereal field Fields
of Repulsion? They do not cause the Force of Attraction. No, any particle with the
Field of Repulsion is the cause of the Force of Repulsion in surrounding particles.
Force of Repulsion, arising in any
particle - is an ethereal flow, causing Ether of the particle to move away from
excess of Ether arising in the ethereal field. Excess of Ether is always formed
by the particle with the Field of Repulsion.
In the section of physics
dedicated to electromagnetism Forces of Repulsion exist on a par with Forces of
Attraction. However, in electromagnetism not the bodies and charged particles
are attracted and repelled, i.e. there is no relationship with gravitation. But
if anti-gravitation (repulsion) would have been recognized by scientists, and
not just recognized, and as the antipode of gravitation will become, everything
would fall into place. Electromagnetism would appear in the minds
of scientists not more than the gravitational-antigravitational interaction.
Positive and negative charges would be converted into mass and antimass. That's
all. This would be the first step in the direction of "Grand Unification" of
four interactions.
In reality, the source of Repulsion Field (particle,
chemical element or cluster of chemical elements) can be shielded by free
particles or chemical elements (solids, fluids). Fields of Attraction and Fields
of Repulsion of the shielding objects change the magnitude of the Repulsion
Force in the investigated object.
Shielding particles with Fields of Repulsion themselves
are the causes of Repulsion Forces. And these Forces of Repulsion we should add
to the Force of Repulsion of the object, influence of which we examine.
Shielding particles with Fields of Attraction are the
causes of Forces of Attraction. These Forces of Attraction we must subtract
from the Forces of Repulsion, which we explore.
Now there are few words about the features of
repulsion of the particles with different values of Fields of Repulsion.
If both interacting particles have Fields of Repulsion
with different values, then a repulsive particle is the particle with the larger
Field, and a repelled one is the particle with the smaller Field. I.e. the
particle with the smaller Field of Repulsion will move away from the particle
with the larger Field, and not vice versa. Let us call it the Rule
of Submission to the Dominant Force of Repulsion.
If both particles have Fields of Repulsion and their
values are the same, then they both will be simultaneously repelled and
repulsive. And both are estranged from one another with the same speed.
In that case, if only one of the particles has Field
of Repulsion, the second is characterized by the Field of Attraction, and then
the repulsive one is the particle Yang. Yin is always just repelled.
you can see, all is by analogy with the Force of Attraction, just the opposite.
The mechanism of anti-gravitation (repulsion) is
completely opposite to the mechanism of gravitation (attraction).
One of two particles involved in the interaction of
antigravity, must necessarily have a Repulsive Field. Otherwise, we can not
keep talking about antigravity interaction.
We compared the process of gravitation with the winding
up of a "tangle". If to draw an analogy with the mechanism of gravitation,
then the process of repulsion - is the unwinding of the "tangle". A particle
with a Field of Repulsion is a "tangle". Emission by it of Ether is
unwinding of "thread" (Ether). A particle with a Field of Repulsion
unwinding the "thread" (emitting Ether) increases the distance
between it and surrounding particles, i.e. repels, and alienates them from itself.
Ether in particles with the Fields of Repulsion does not dry out. Particles do not stop to emit it.
Of two particles involved in the anti-gravitational
process, one that has a Field of Repulsion is repulsive. A second particle,
respectively, is repelled. A particle of any quality can be repelled - as with the
Field of Repulsion and with the Field of Attraction. In that case, if both
particles have Fields of Repulsion, each of them is play a role as repulsive
and repelled.
A repulsion mechanism based on the second principle of
behaviour of Ether - "In the ethereal field areas with excessive density
don’t occur". Ether, filling a particle, and with it the particle itself
moving away from excess of Ether arising in that place of ethereal field where an
object with a Field of Repulsion is located.
15. THE
An ethereal flow,
causing Ether of the repelled particle move away from excess of Ether, i.e.
from the object with Field of Repulsion we call as the "Force
of Repulsion”.
Naturally, in
contrast to the process of gravity a connection between repelling particles does
not form. There can be no question about connection between the particles.
Suppose two particles are gravitationally bound. But as a result of
transformation one of them or both at once changed the Gravitational Field on the
Repulsive Field. The mechanism of antigravitation comes into action immediately,
and the particles repel each other, i.e. a connection is broken off.
Magnitude of Repulsion
Force depends on the same three factors as magnitude of the Force of Attraction:
1) Magnitude of Repulsion
Field of the particle (the chemical element or body) serving the cause of
Repulsion Force;
2) The distance
between a source of Repulsion Field and an investigated particle;
3) A quality of repelled
Let's consider an effect of all these factors.
1) Magnitude of Repulsion Field of an object is the
cause of Repulsion Force.
Magnitude of Repulsion Field of the particle - is the speed
of absorption of Ether by its surface. Accordingly, the higher is the speed of
absorption of Ether, the greater is magnitude of Repulsive Force caused by this
particle in an investigated particle.
2) The distance between the source of Repulsion Field
and an investigated particle.
Explanation of dependence of magnitude of Repulsion
Force on the distance similar to the description the reason for which the Force
of Attraction depends on the distance.
An elementary particle is a sphere, and if to move
away from it, an amount of space surrounding the particle will grow
concentrically. Accordingly, the farther away from the particle, the greater is
the volume of Ether, surrounding the particle. Each particle with the Field of Repulsion
emits Ether into surrounding ethereal field at a certain rate. The rate
of emission of Ether by the particle - that is originally inherent to this
particle the value of Repulsion Field. However, the farther away from
the particle, the greater an amount of Ether will surround it. Accordingly, the
farther away from the particle, the smaller will be the rate at which Ether is
moving away from a given particle (i.e., the smaller the velocity of an
ethereal flow is) - i.e. the smaller is the value of Repulsion Field.
Thus, we say, first, about an originally inherent to the particle magnitude of
Repulsion Field, and second, about the magnitude of Repulsion Field at a
certain distance from the particle.
The further an investigated particle is from the particle
with the Field Repulsion, that causing in it a Repulsive Force, the smaller is the
magnitude of this Force.
3) The quality of repulsive particles.
Of course, the quality can be any. This may be as a
particle with the Field of Attraction and with the Field of Repulsion.
And the value of the Field can be any. If we are
talking about repelled particle with the Field of Repulsion, then why does on the
value of Repulsion Force of the particles affects the quality of its own? All
the matter is that any particle with the Field of Repulsion emitting Ether,
thereby constantly creates around a so-called "ether pillow". It
turns out that a particle will be additionally repelled by the "ethereal pillow",
which it constantly creates from the other side, where the repelling particle is
situated. And the rate of creation by the particle of the "ethereal pillow"
corresponds to the rate of emission of Ether by itself, i.e. of its value of Repulsion
In modern physics, there is no the Law of Universal Repulsion
similar to the Law of Universal Attraction, opened by Newton . And in vain. We do not understand why
such law has not been formulated still, because its manifestations are not less
evident than the demonstration of the Law of Gravitation. Take at least the
known fact, as the rise of heated air up.
If there is no the law, there is no formula that
describes the interaction of objects, at least one of which is the cause of
Repulsion Force. But we will correct this misunderstanding.
By analogy with the formula for the Law of Gravitation,
but not of Isaac Newton, and with that derived by us in the article about
gravitation, we will make the following formula for the Law of Antigravitation:
F = (am1/ r) + am2 where am1/ r – it’s antimass of a repelling object computed for a given
point, i.e. given the distance and am2 – it’s antimass of the repelled
As you can see, in this case we also use not a
multiplication of antimasses and their addition. In order to know at some point
in time the rate at which investigated repelled particle moves away from its
repulsive object, we need not to multiply their Repulsion Fields (antimasses), and
namely to sum. Repulsion Field – is a rate of emitting of Ether by the object.
In order to know the velocity of the particles it is necessary to sum the rate of
ethereal flow generated by the repulsive particle, i.e. the value of its Repulsion
Field at a given point, as well as the velocity with which the repelled
particle is repelled by the created it own "ethereal pillow".
We take the antimass of the repulsive particle and add
to it the Repulsive Field of the repulsive particle, calculated at the given
point, i.e. given the distance. To do this, we take no initial value of
antimass of the repulsive object and the antimass, divided by the distance.
This formula is only suitable for those occasions when
the repelled object itself has the Field of Repulsion, i.e. antimass. If repelled
particle is characterized by mass (i.e., generates an Attractive Field), the
formula will change somewhat. We will give the formula below.
Let's look at details of the mechanism of anti-gravitation
on the example of particles of different quality.
A thought
experiment conducted by us will occur in ideal conditions – i.e. in the totally
empty space. One of interacting particles necessarily has the Field of Repulsion.
1) Both interacting
particles have Repulsion Fields.
A) The
value of Repulsion Fields of both particles equals.
In this case, each
of the particles is both repulsive and repelled. A Force of Repulsion caused by
the action of the second repulsion field of interacting particles caused by the
action of the Repulsion Field of the second of interacting particles arises in
every particle.
Let two particles
initially are separated by some distance. Because equality of Fields of
Repulsion both particles drift apart at a constant speed. The speed of
distancing is constant because the constant is the rate of emission of Ether in
the particles.
B) The value of Repulsion
Field of one of the particles is greater then Repulsion Field of another
Even though in this
case the value of Fields of Repulsion varies, the mechanism of their repulsion
from each other is similar to the above. Only in one of the particles a Force
of Repulsion arises - in the repelled one, i.e. in that where the Field of
Repulsion is less. A repulsive particle is one in which a Repulsive Field is more.
It generates a Repulsive Force.
A repelled particle
will move away from the repulsive one with equal deceleration. Deceleration is
related to a concentric increase of the volume of the space with distance from
the particle emitting Ether. Distancing speed of the particle at each time
point is proportional to the value of appearing in it the Repulsion Force. The
more is the Repulsive Force occurring in the particle, the greater is the speed
of alienation of the particle at the given moment.
2) An attracted particle
has Field of Repulsion.
In this case, the
Repulsion Force arises only in one particle - one that has a Field of
Attraction. A particle with Field of Repulsion causes this Force.
Since the repelled particle
has a Field of Attraction, it causes in a repulsive particle a response Force -
the Force of Attraction.
There will be
distancing or approach of the particles, or the distance between them remains
constant, independent of the value of Repulsion Force in the repelled particle
and Attractive Forces in repelling one. If two forces are equal in magnitude,
the distance between particles will remain unchanged. If the value of Repulsion
Force is more in modulus, the particles will be distancing. And if the value of
the Force of Attraction is more, then the distance between the particles will
be reduced.
And here is the
formula for calculating the initial Repulsion Force in a repelled particle,
which itself has a Field of Attraction.
F = ( Am/r) - m, where am/r
is antimass of the repelling object computed for the given point, i.e. given
the distance and m - is the mass of repelled particle. Note here we make no
addition of the Fields of Repulsion and Attraction, and their subtraction.
Subtraction is for the reason that the Field of Attraction of repelled particle
reduces the rate at which in each time point the particle tends to move away
from the repulsive particle. As you can see, the process is a mirror opposite
of what we have described for the attraction of particle with the Field of
Chemical elements
of the mineral kingdom consist of elementary particles only of the Physical Plan.
The plants also include particles of the Astral Plan. And in the bodies of
animals there are even the particles of the Mental Plan. In the three Plans -
physical, astral and mental - the number of particles Yin (with the Fields of
Attraction) prevails over the number of particles Yang (with the Fields of Repulsion).
So at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, on a solid surface of the planet
where we live, the percentage of particles Yin is more. Moreover, of all the
elements of the planet, of the solid and liquid portions of its surface the
force of attraction acts on all.
Thus, in the world
around us the predominant part of chemical elements relates to the mineral kingdom.
Consequently, mostly we are surrounded by elementary particles of the Physical
Plan. They are characterized by a significant predominance of Force of
Attraction over the Repulsion Force. So for us, it is easy to observe in the
surrounding bodies mainly the manifestations of the gravity. Something dropped
on the ground - that's you and the manifestation of the Law of Gravitation.
To observe the manifestations of the Repulsive Forces
it’s a little more complicated. It is for this reason the Repulsion Force – or
otherwise antigravitation – by science is still not recognized. Although there
are very much of natural phenomena and processes explained by the Law of
In the physics literature in the sections of
electromagnetism the Repulsion Forces are mentioned along with the Forces of Attraction.
But as still as gravitation and electromagnetism scientists didn’t link to each
other well, then the existence of an antipode for gravitation, like the
electromagnetic Repulsive Force, did not is recognized. As a result, since the
time of Isaac Newton's in classical physics there is only the Law of Universal Gravitation.
If a Repulsion Force does not appear in nature along
with a Force of Attraction, it would not have been possible such phenomena as
the disintegration of chemical compounds and change of the physical state of
matter towards a more rarefied. If there is not a Repulsive Force, our bodies was
flattened into a pancake on a solid surface of the planet. And the Earth itself
would be a tiny superdense celestial body.
Such physical process, as an extension of the bodies
during their heating indirectly points to existence in Nature of Repulsive Forces.
Or such as rising up of heated air.
Let's look at what
happens to the value of the Forces of Attraction and Repulsion, if their
sources are located nearby on the same line.
Sources of Forces
of Attraction - it is always particles with the Fields of Attraction. And
sources of Forces of Repulsion - it is always particles with the Fields of
If an experiment
was conducted in a completely empty space and there were only two particles – a
particle with the Field of Attraction or the Field of Repulsion (a source of the
Force) and an investigated particle in which this Force occurs when really
nothing could affect the magnitude of this Force.
But in reality, the space is not empty and filled with
elementary particles of varying quality.
So, if on the segment separating by an investigated
particle from the particle-source of the Force (Attraction or Repulsion), other
particles are located also - with the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion (or and
those, and others), the following will occurs.
Particles have an ability to shield each other. The
shielding effect depends on the quality of shielding particles, as well as the
quality of the shielded particle.
If a shielded particle generates an Attractive Field,
as well as all particles screening it, which are located on the segment between
it and the investigated particle, possess Fields of Attraction, there is
summing of the values of the Fields of Attraction of all particles. And,
accordingly, there is a summation of all Forces of Attraction that all
particles on the segment cause in the investigated particle.
Exactly the same summation occurs if shielded particle
generates a Repulsive Field, as well as all particles on the segment screening
it have Repulsion Fields. Respectively, Repulsive Forces caused by all these particles
in the study particles, are summarized too.
But that’s what happens if the original Force acting
on the particle is the Force of Attraction, and on the segment there are not
only the particles with the Fields of Attraction, but also the particles with
Repulsion Fields. Or we have an extreme case, and all shielding particles have the
Fields of Repulsion, and only shielded particle has an Attractive Field. In
this case, the Fields of Repulsion of all particles are summarized and in one
way or another screen the Attraction Field. Because of this Attractive Force
acting on the investigated particle is reduced and may even disappears
altogether, replacing the Repulsion Force.
The same thing happens in the case if the original
force acting on the investigated particle is the Force of Repulsion, on the segment
there are not the particles only with the Fields of Repulsion, but the
particles with the Fields of Attraction. In this case also there is a summation
of both types of Fields, and the total Field of Attraction also in one way or
another shields the total Field of Repulsion. Because of this the Force of Repulsion
acting on the investigated particle is reduced and may even disappears
altogether, replacing the Force of Attraction.
To assess the quality and value of the Force arising
in the investigated particle is not enough to calculate the total Field of Attraction
and Field of Repulsion and after that to subtract the smaller from the larger.
No, you should consider the quality of all the particles on the segment, and
the magnitude of their Fields.
Let's summarize and with the fairly simple
language explain once again why the particles with Repulsion Fields reduce the Force
of Attraction, and the particles with the Fields of Attraction reduce the Force
of Repulsion.
Particles with
Fields of Attraction absorb Ether emitted by neighboring particles with Fields of
Repulsion. Because of this, the rate of ethereal flow of Repulsion Field
decreases, and thus the Tendency of the investigated particle to move away from
excess of Ether decreases, i.e. the Force of Repulsion decreases.
Particles with Fields
of Repulsion emitting Ether toward the neighboring particles with Fields
Attraction, thereby compensate (to some extent) created by them a lack of Ether.
Because of this, the rate of ethereal flow of the Field of Attraction decreases
and with it the Tendency of the investigated particle to approach to the lack
of Ether, i.e. the Force of Attraction decreases.

Comment to the
A particle with Field
of Repulsion if it is adjacent to the particle with the Field of Attraction,
because it emits Ether, affects the outward manifestation of this Field of
Attraction. Emitted Ether – is an "ethereal pillow", shielding the Attraction
Field. Repulsion Field creates in the ethereal field redundancy of Ether and
thus to some extent neutralize a lack formed by the Field of Attraction.
At the same time,
the particle with the Field of Attraction, neighboring to the particle with the
Field of Repulsion absorbing emitted Ether, thereby affects on outward
manifestation of this Field of Repulsion.

Do not be surprised
that we're talking about it here, because this is a very important topic.
For example, in any
conglomeration of elementary particles, such as a chemical element, there are
both types of particles - Yin and Yang. They are mixed, some shield others. But
in the end, when we will look at the element outside, we can not know exactly
what particles are there, since the total Force Field manifests itself
outwardly, is the result of addition and subtraction of multiple Fields of
Attraction and Repulsion. But the very fact that we know about what is
happening inside, help us to avoid mistakes.
In any celestial
body chemical elements of different quality are mixed. For example, in the
atmosphere those are dominated whose Field of Repulsion is totally dominates in
the Force Field. And in the center of the planet there are basically the
elements which Fields of Attraction dominate, and large quantities are.
Atmospheric chemical elements shield the elements of the central regions. As a
result, when we are increasingly moving away from the planet, its Field of
Attraction is getting smaller by reducing its total outward manifestation by
the total Field of Repulsion of atmosphere. And at a certain distance the
planet's Field of Attraction does not feel at all - the effect of weightlessness experienced
by astronauts.
Transformation of the
quality - is the temperature increase of an elementary particle.
An Act of Transformation
of the Quality (a Raising of Kundalini) - is an amazing law, the manifestations
of which we can observe constantly around us as a basis for many natural
Let's look at its
As already
mentioned, any particle is a sphere, in the center point of which there is created
Ether, and on the periphery - it is destroyed. A sphere itself has the ability
to hold Ether in its borders. And the quantity of Ether that fills the sphere
of the particle in the given moment is only its.
Whenever an
excessive amount of external Ether enters in a particle per unit of time,
Transformation of the external manifestation of its quality occurs.
This is the wording
of the Law of Transformation of external manifestation of Quality. Note, in the
Law of Transformation we speak not about changing of the quality of particle,
namely the changing of the external manifestation of the quality. The sheer
quality of the particle remains unchanged – i.e. the speed of creation and
destruction of Ether does not change. But the features of the Force Field of
the particle (the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion) undergo changes.
For brevity instead of "transformation of the
external manifestation of quality" we simply will say - Transformation
of the Quality of the particle.
How, does enrolling in a particle of "excessive" Ether change (make to evolve) external manifestation
of its quality?
What is meant by "excessive Ether"?
Excessive Ether - is Ether, which in usual, natural conditions must not enter into the
particle. This Ether is "above the norm". Particle "has not
order it", but has received this "gift". And external Ether
passing through the particle unplanned is for it "excessive".
Transformation of the quality can occur in particles
of any quality – and with Fields of Attraction and with Fields of Repulsion,
and for any value of these fields.
Let’s take, for example, a particle with a Field of
Attraction. In usual conditions, exactly as Ether on all sides from the
surrounding ethereal field goes to such particle, as it needs to destroy. If
the particle falls into an ethereal flow, created by the object with the Field
of Attraction or Repulsion or arising due to the motion of the particle
relative the ethereal field, this ethereal flow causes an increase in the rate
of entering into it of external Ether. Excessive Ether entering into the
particle exerts pressure on Ether filling the particle and prevents that own
created in the particle Ether is destroyed in it. Ether, born into a central
point, can not move toward the front hemisphere, where excessive Ether enters.
As a result, all born Ether moves to the rear hemisphere of the particle.
In the rear hemisphere everything is going according
to plan. There is destroyed that portion of born Ether, which must be
destroyed. Since this is a particle with a Field of Attraction, it lacks of own
Ether and in it additionally Ether from the outside comes, creating a Field of
Attraction. But in the case of transformation that part of born Ether that has
not destroyed in the front hemisphere is destroyed in the rear one.
All own Ether will be destroyed or not, depends on the
speed with which Ether is destroyed in the particle and the speed of creation.
It may happen that Ether enters into the particle with insufficient speed and
in the front hemisphere still some part of the born Ether is destroyed.
Therefore, it comes into the rear hemisphere less. As a result, the rear
hemisphere nothing will emit and even need to continue to compensate for a deficiency
of Ether from outside (although at a slower rate), creating a Field of
Attraction. I.e. transformation can only reduce the value of the Field of
Attraction in the rear hemisphere, but not remove it completely and replace by
the Field of Repulsion.
If Ether entered
into the particle at a rate exceeding the rate of destruction of Ether in it,
then in the particle there appears redundant additional, external Ether. In the
rear hemisphere there is destroyed only as Ether, as required. The rest will come
out form the particle as a Repulsion Field.
As you can see, the
basis for the emerging of a particle in the rear hemisphere a Repulsion Field
is an amount of born Ether, that not collapsed or in the front or in the rear
hemisphere, and an amount of external Ether that entered into the front surface
of the particle, but also was not destroyed (proved beyond measure). All this
Ether comes out of the particle in the form of Repulsion Field. The value of arising
Field of Repulsion (the rate of an ethereal flow) depends on the rate of entry
into the particle of external Ether, and also on the quality of the particle.
The greater the velocity of the external ethereal flow is, the greater the
velocity of creation is and the lesser the rate of destruction, the greater the
likelihood that the Gravity Field of the particle in the rear hemisphere not
only will be reduced, but will disappear at all, replacing by the Field of Repulsion
(by emitted Ether).
Occurrence of the Field
of Attraction or emergence of the Field of Repulsion at the particle - though
not on the whole surface, but only in the rear hemisphere - this is the
transformation (evolution) of the external manifestation of the quality of the
And now let’s speak
about the transformation of the quality of a particle having outside this
process the Field of Repulsion. Unlike the particle with the Field of
Attraction such particle at all does not absorb Ether from ambient ethereal field.
Instead, it is a source of Ether, i.e. it emits. Despite this difference, the
mechanism of what is happening with the particle is completely analogous to
what we have described for particles Yin. Whenever a particle falls into an
ethereal flow, created by the object with the Field of Attraction or Repulsion
or by motion relative to ethereal field, this external Ether puts pressure on
its front hemisphere (front – relative to the ethereal flow). This means that
Ether, moving from the center of the particle to its periphery does not get an
opportunity to be emitted, as well as part of it will not be destroyed in the Zone
of Destruction of the front hemisphere. Instead, there will be destroyed the
external Ether, that entered into the particle in front of it. And then, only
as much as it is necessary in accordance with the rate of destruction. Thus,
all Ether that was born, as well as an amount of external one that came in, but
not was destroyed, is moving to the rear hemisphere. And in the rear hemisphere
everything is as it should be – there is destroyed the part of Ether because it
was born in the central area. Therefore, any excessive Ether from the front
hemisphere is just emitting. As a result, the value of the Field of Repulsion (rate
of emission of Ether) in the rear increases. So the Law of Transformation of
external manifestation of the quality manifests with respect to the particles
with the Field of Repulsion.
The value on which the Field of Repulsion of the
particle increases depends on three factors: on the speed with which external
Ether entered into the particle, on the rate of destruction of Ether in it and on
the rate of its creation.
We can quantify assess the value of transformation of
the particles, regardless of whether they have Fields of Attraction or
Repulsion using the "degree of transformation of the quality".
The degree of transformation of the external manifestations of the quality we should
understand as the difference between the rate of emission of Ether after
transformation and the rate of emission before. Accordingly, for the particles
Yin to the resulting difference we must add the value of their Field of
Attraction, i.e. the rate of absorption of Ether.
Let's list "the
ways of getting" of transformation of the quality or in other
words the conditions under which the pressure of external Ether changes the
outward manifestation of quality of the particle.
1) Transformation
of quality occurs in any particle moving relative to the surrounding ethereal field.
The pressure of external Ether in this case is caused by pressure on Ether of
the moving particle by itself. The resultant effect of this is similar to as if
Ether himself moves toward the particle. Transformation does not occur when
ambient ethereal field moves in the same direction and at the same speed, i.e.
when moving somewhere Ether carries a particle.
This "way of
transforming quality" - transformation of the quality during the movement
- is the basis of such phenomenon as inertia.
2) Transformation by
Ether of the Field of Attraction (transformation by gravitation):
3) Transformation by
Ether of the Field of Repulsion (transformation by antigravitation).
a) At the collision
of particles;
b) An investigated
particle and the particle with the Field of Repulsion forcing it to be
transformed are at rest as part of conglomerate of particles, for example, of such
as a chemical element.
Transformation from
the point of view of the occultist, it is nothing like "Rise
of Kundalini" or else "Ignition of Lights". Why this
process do we call the “Rise of Kundalini”?
Kundalini is known
to be a "Fiery serpent biting its own tail", Spirit rotating in the
particle during time. Kundalini is the Soul, a particle. When we talk about
"Rise" - this means that the external quality of the particle climbs
the evolutionary stair. The birth of the Spirit and its emission is an
evolution. Whereas its destruction and absorption is involution. It turns out
that when the Field of Repulsion occurs or increases in the particle, it
All that just said is
suitable for an explanation of why we use the expression "Ignition of
Lights". Fire - is synonymous with the Spirit. Any particle is a
"rotating" Fire. Ignition of Lights - this is the exact synonym of
scientific expression "rise in temperature". The fire is burning, i.e.
particle temperature rises - its temperament and quality change.
Just about this Law
– the Law of Transformation – Alice Bailey tried to tell us in the "Treatise
on the Seven Rays", when she said that the minerals pass the Initiation by
Fire and pressure. Initiation by Fire and pressure - this is just one of the
ways of the transformation of elementary particles - transformation by emitted Ether
– by the Field of Repulsion. Another synonym for the term
"transformation" is transmutation. Something on this
topic you can find at the end of the volume "Esoteric Astrology".
Perhaps in the next books we explain information presented by A. Bailey.
Whenever a particle
under the action of a push by other particle begins to move relative to the ethereal
field of the Universe, Ether, through which it moves, enters into it, and the
outward manifestation of its quality is transformed (changed). The resultant
effect of this is similar to as if Ether himself moves toward the particle, and
enters into it. It does not matter what is the quality of a particle, i.e. with
which speed Ether is created and destroyed. Ether of ambient ethereal field enters
into the Zone of Destruction of the front hemisphere of the particle and is
destroyed there instead of Ether which is generated in the particle.
Simultaneously under pressure of Ether of ethereal field, Ether born into the
particle is pushed into the rear hemisphere and emits there. And yet, if the
velocity of the particle relative to the ethereal field exceeds the rate of
destruction, external Ether occurs in the particle, and it also will be emitted
with Ether, that was born in the particle and not destroyed in the front
As a result, if
it’s a particle with a Field of Attraction, then in its rear hemisphere
(relative to the direction of motion) the Field of Attraction either decreases
or it disappears at all and instead it the Field of Repulsion appears (Ether emits).
And if it is a particle with a Field of Repulsion, in its rear hemisphere its
value increases.
Such way there is manifested
transformation (change) of external manifestation of the quality of the
particle. Transformation - is one of two consequences of any displacement of the
particles relative to ethereal field. The second consequence is an inertial
motion of particle.
The degree of
transformation of the quality depends on three factors: 1) an initial velocity
of the particle, i.e. the speed with which the particle has been set in motion;
2) a velocity of destruction of Ether in the particle; 3) a rate of creation of
The greater there
is an initial velocity of the particle, the faster Ether will enter into the
particle, the more excessive Ether enters into the particle in a unit of time,
and the greater there will be the degree of transformation.
Now we proceed to
consider the transformation induced by the Field of Attraction.
"transformation method", as the previous one, connected with the
entering into the particle of excessive amount of Ether.
As you already know
the particles having Fields of Attraction are "responsible" for the
process of gravity. And they can be attracted by the particles of any quality.
Transformation of the quality by Ether of the Field of Attraction occurs in
particles with any external manifestation of quality - as with the Field of Attraction
and with Repulsion Field. In that case, if both particles involved in the
process of attraction have Fields of Attraction, each of them will be both the
cause of transformation and experiencing it.
Surrounding us with
your world is the Logoic Plan, where particles of different plans are interconnected
and hence of the different quality. The Logoic Plan is filled with all sorts of
conglomerates of elementary particles. Among them, the most common type of
conglomerate is a chemical element. Besides these, there are unstable particles,
each of which is a mini-conglomerate. So, the transformation of particles by
gravitation is best observed on the example of the chemical elements. But
before turning to a conglomerate, let’s find out the cause of transforming
influence of gravity on the example of two particles.

At first let’s remind ourselves the mechanism of
gravitational bond between particles. Let two particles with Attraction Fields
interact with each other – i.e. “are connected" with their Fields of
Attraction. The Zone of Destruction of each particle is immersed in the ethereal
field and absorbs Ether from it. Let us recall that an elementary particle is
filled with Ether, which is some kind of "ripple" on a "smooth
surface" of Space. Also we recall that between Ether filling particle and Ether
of the space is no difference and no boundaries. And so Ether of ethereal field
is able to freely penetrate the particle and pass there through.
Each of these two attracting particles Yin feels an
action of the Field of Attraction of other neighboring particle. Each of these
particles creates in the ethereal field of the universe deficiency of Ether.
And as in this example, there are only two particles, then for each of them
lack Ether produced by the neighboring particle is a single. And in the
direction of this single deficiency of Ether creating by the neighboring
particle, Ether of each of two particles
tends to move, and hence the whole elementary particle.
Attention! Now the most important in explaining of the
mechanism of transformation by gravitation begins.
Let's call one of the particles as transforming, and
the other as transformed. A transforming particle necessarily must have a Field
of Attraction (because here we are talking about the transformation by attraction).
However, in this example, each of the particles is simultaneously and transforming
and transformed.
Along the line connecting the centers of both
particles their Fields of Attraction are summarized. This means that for the surrounding
ethereal field, these two particles are now single "deficiency" of Ether
(but only along the line passing through the centers of both particles). A transforming
particle, located behind a transformed through the addition of its own Field of
Attraction increases the rate of entering of Ether in the front particle - from
its external side. I.e., whether a particle is single, Ether would enter into
it at a rate corresponding to the value only of its Field of Attraction. And that's
all. And there is no any excessive Ether. But in this case, two particles are
coupled together. And an attracting particle "behind" of attracted
like "works" for itself – i.e., the front particle "feels" a
generated deficiency of Ether. But in the end it turns out that "the fruits
of its labor" reaping the front particle (transformed) – the speed of
entering into it Ether increases in proportion to the magnitude of the Field of
Attraction of rear particle, that is transforming one. Thus, exactly a transforming
particle is a cause of transformation of the particle in front of it. But as in
our case, each particle has a Field of Attraction both are transformed, each
with its own side.
Transformation of
the external manifestation of quality in attracted particle (as always in the
transformation) is reduced either to a reduction in the rear hemisphere of the Field
of Attraction (this is for the particles Yin), or to its disappearance and
replacement by a Field of Repulsion (also for the particles Yin), or to an
increase of the Fields of Repulsion (for the particles Yang). What will be the
degree of transformation depends upon the velocity of the ethereal flow, that enters
into the transformed particle (i.e., upon the magnitude of the total Field of Attraction)
and upon the ratio of the rate of destruction and creation of Ether in the transformed
Transformation by
gravity is no different from the previous "method" - transformation
by movement. Decrease in particles Yin from their inner side of their Fields of
Attraction or appearance of the Fields of Repulsion, as well as an increase in particles
Yang the Repulsion Fields – this is, in the language of science, nothing else,
as a reduction of the weight, mass. I.e. reduction that makes the particle tends
to attracting it particle or to the conglomerate of particles. In the
gravitating particles as they approach the Force of Attraction decreases.
Occurrence or
increase of the Repulsion Field in the particles on the inside side makes them
grow apart to some distance. I.e. we can make a very important conclusion - between
gravitating particles with a large magnitude of acting on them Field of
Attraction an interval appears. I.e. a staying in part of a large conglomerate
causes particles to move away from each other and from the common center. And
there is closer to the center, the more the particles tend to move away from
this center. This conclusion is very useful for us to understand what is going
on in the bowels of any chemical element, as well as in the bowels of any
celestial body.
If the Field of
Repulsion does not occur, but simply the Field of Attraction is reduced, then
it is the weakening of the bond.
However, in this process of distancing or weakening of
the bond there are some limitations, operating according to the method of
feedback. The more gravitating objects are moving away from each other (or the bond
weaken between them), the less there will be the value of Attraction Field of
each of them in relation to each other (distance effect). And accordingly, the
smaller there is the degree of transformation. The smaller the degree of
transformation is, the smaller are the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion
arising (or increasing) in these objects. And then less they move away (or
weaken the bond with each other). In reality, of course, there is not the
process of "maneuvering" of the particles. They immediately in the
process of formation of a conglomerate set a certain distance with respect to
each other and the center. This distance is determined by the magnitude of the
total Field of Attraction acting on each particle, and the quality of this
particle (the ratio of velocity of creation and destruction of Ether).
Exactly transformation by gravitation lies at the
heart of this well-known in nuclear physics effect as "mass defect".
Besides the transformation by gravitation is the cause of the phenomenon of
radioactivity. And besides, exactly this "method" of transformation
makes celestial bodies (stars, Nuclei of Galaxies, Nuclei of Super galaxies)
emit elementary particles.
The more particles with the Field of Attraction
are located behind transformed particle, the greater is the total Field of
Attraction, and the greater is the speed of entry of Ether into the front
particle and the higher is the degree of transformation. However, not only the
particle "on the edge" experiences the transformation. If on the line
connecting the centers there are not two but several, each of them
"experiences" the increased speed and pressure of the Ether and each
will be transformed.
Let's analyze on what
factors depends the value of the degree of transformation of the particle. It
is caused, firstly, the magnitude of the total Field of Attraction, which is
composed of all the Fields of Attraction of all particles, "working"
on the investigated particle. And, secondly, it depends on the quality of the
transformed particle.
Field of Attraction
- this is an ethereal current, moving towards the particle absorbing Ether. The
greater is the distance to the particle, the less is tendency to move in the
direction of given particle with the Field of Attraction and the slower is a motion
of Ether. I.e. an initial magnitude of the Field of Attraction of the particle
decreases with increasing of distance to it. Therefore, the magnitude of each
Field of Attraction of each particle, "working" on the investigated
particle depends on two factors: an initial magnitude of Attraction Field of
the particle and the distance from it to the investigated particle.
It turns out that in any conglomerate the larger total
Field of Attraction acts on the particles that are located closer to the
center, and in which ethereal flow they get, rather than on the particles away
from the center. The magnitude of the Field of Attraction - is the velocity of
ethereal flow. The more is the Field of Attraction, the greater is the rate of entering
of Ether into a transformed particle. It is nothing like a peculiar mathematical phenomenon.
But it explains, for example, the cause of high temperature of celestial bodies
in the center than at the periphery.
Because of this Ether totally enters into the
particles closer to the center at a higher speed than into the particles closer
to the periphery. And, accordingly, the degree of their transformation is
Let’s observe, for example, a complex of five
particles with the same magnitude of Fields of Attraction arrayed in one line.

The degree of transformation of each particle
depends on its position on the line.
Let the magnitude of the Field of Attraction of each
particle at a distance of location of adjacent particle corresponds to 5
conventional units. With increase of the distance the magnitude of Attraction
Field decreases. Therefore, at a distance of two particles the Field of
Attraction of the same particle will be less - 4 conventional units.
In this case there are five particles. And we
investigate the degree of transformation of the particle located in the center.
From one end two particles are separated it and from other - also two. It’s
Let’s find the total Field of Attraction acting on
the particle in the center: 5 conventional units we multiply by 2 (5 * 2 = 10),
4 standard units we multiply by 2 (4 * 2 = 8), 10 + 8 = 18.
18 conventional units - is the magnitude of the
total Field of Attraction in an ethereal flow of which there is a particle in
the center. This is the Field of Attraction plus its own Gravity Field of the
particle – that is the velocity at which Ether enters into the particle on both

Into those two
particles that are located on the second place from the edge Ether will enter at
less total rate and therefore they will be transformed lesser as compared to
the central particle. This is explained by the fact that the total Gravity Field
of two second particles from the edge is smaller in the magnitude.
Here are the
Let’s multiply 5
conventional units by 2: 5 * 2 = 10.
To 10 we add 3 and
4: 10 + 4 + 3 = 17.
17 conventional
units - is the magnitude of the total Field of Attraction acting on the
particles are located on the second place at the edge. This total Field of
Attraction plus own Gravity Field of the particle – this is a rate of entering
of Ether into these particles on both sides. The degree of transformation respectively
will be appropriate.

Into those two particles that are located at
the edges Ether enters with the least total velocity, so they will be
transformed at a least degree.
This is explained
by the fact that the total Field of Attraction acting on each of the boundary
particles decreases.
We perform
5 conventional
units plus 4 conventional units, plus 3 plus 2: 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 14 conventional
14 - is the value
of the total Field of Attraction acting on each of two particles at the edges. The
rate of entering of external Ether into the particles at the edge is 3 units less
than into the particles on the second place, and 4 units less than into the
particles in the center. The degree of transformation of the particles of the very
edge is less on the same number of units.

That's all. This
was evidence that the closer is the particle to the center of the complex of particles,
the more it is transformed. In the above examples the degree of transformation
depends on the number of particles on the line and on the position of the
investigated particle on the line (and, of course, on the initial magnitude of the
Field of Attraction of each particle). The picture of transformation will be even
more complicated if the initial magnitude of the Fields of Attraction of
particles on the line will not be the same, but different. And it will be
increasingly difficult if we consider that on the line can be located not only
particles with Fields of Attraction, but also particles with Fields of
Repulsion. And this process of the transforming effect of particles on each
other happens everywhere. Assess the scale of what is happening. Even one
single particle with the Field of Attraction somewhere on the other side of the
universe has a transformative effect on the particles of elements in your body.
Even if this influence is negligible due to an unimaginable distance. But it
still exists.
A transformed particle
can be not only the particle with the Field of Attraction, but with the Field
of Repulsion. And if it is related to the holding and transforming it the
particle with the Field of Attraction, then Ether will enter into it at high
speed thanks to the Field of Attraction of the transformed particle that lead
to transformation. However, the particle with the Field of Repulsion thanks to emitted
Ether reduces in front of itself the magnitude of the Field of Attraction of
the attracting it and "working" on it particle with the Field of
Attraction. Because of this the rate of entering of Ether decreases and the
degree of transformation decreases too. And the greater is the magnitude of the
Field of Repulsion, the more it will weaken the effect of the Field of
Attraction of transforming particle.

A particle with a
Field of Repulsion can never transform by the Field of Attraction any particle
because it has no necessary for this – i.e. the Field of Attraction. Although,
as we will analyze in the future, the particles with the Fields of Repulsion are
greatly capable of transform other particles using their Fields of Repulsion.
consider again the mechanism of transformation by gravitation, but an example
of a chemical element – a spherical conglomerate consisting of elementary
particles of different quality.
Any chemical
element of the Mineral Kingdom (physics and chemistry explore namely the
elements of this kingdom) is made up of elementary particles of only one Plan -
Physical. The Physical Plan, as well as the Astral and Mental, is characterized
by the fact that particles with Fields of Attraction are dominated in its
composition. And compared to the Astral and Mental Plans the magnitude of the
Fields of Attraction of the particles of the Physical Plan has the greatest
value. Despite the fact that in the chemical elements of different types the
particles of different layers of the Physical Plan are represented differently,
in all elements of the Mineral Kingdom the particles with the Fields of
Attraction prevail. From all this we can conclude the following - all chemical
elements of the Mineral Kingdom initially a total Field of Attraction prevails
over a total Field of Repulsion. Initially - that means out of the process of additional
accumulation of elementary particles on the surface of chemical elements (for
example, all the chemical elements of the Earth accumulate on their surface
solar particles - photons). Therefore, in any chemical element initially a total
Field of Attraction dominates over a total Field of Repulsion.
And now back to where we started. Of course, in such
conglomerate of elementary particles, where so many particles with Fields of
Attraction combined, transformation by gravitation of the “rinsed” by Ether
particles can not fail to occur. In any element always many other particles
“works” on any particle. "Behind the back" of any particle in
multiple directions there is always a huge number of particles that increases
the rate of entering of Ether thanks to the joining of their Fields of
The total rate of Ether, passing through the particles
and their degree of transformation increases towards the center of a chemical
element. And for the same reasons that have been specified for a complex of
five particles arrayed in a line. If we estimate the total Field of Attraction
acting on an investigated particle from the side of all other particles of a spherical
conglomerate, it would be dependent on the position of the particle in
composition of the conglomerate. Compare, for example, a particle from the
periphery of a chemical element with a particle from the center. Already we can
immediately notice that between the particle from the center and any other
particle of the conglomerate such large distances will bу not, as in the case of particles from the periphery.
You can see that a large percentage of particles of the conglomerate is located
from an investigated particle from the periphery at such distances that
approach to the value of the diameter of the sphere. While the greatest
distance for the particle from the center is not greater than the radius of the
chemical element. A magnitude of the Field of Attraction, as we have often
repeated, decreases with distance.

We can talk about not
only the transformation of individual elementary particles, but also the
chemical elements. Since the elements are constructed of the particles too,
their transformation ultimately also reduces to the transformation of the
particles in them. About the features of transformation of chemical elements we
will talk specially, in the separate book "Mechanics of bodies" when we
talk about transformation of chemical elements forming the bodies.
Here we should
mention that the transformation processes occurring in the chemical elements take
place and in celestial bodies. And elements and celestial bodies have a
spherical shape and have many similarities in the structure, despite the
difference in size.
Not only Yin
particles but also particles Yang can exert transformative impact on the
surrounding particles. Exactly the same as any existing particles with the Field
of Attraction has a transformative effect on all the other particles of the
universe, and it makes any existing particle with the Field of Repulsion - it
contributes to the transformation of all the particles of the universe.
However, due to the range of possible distances between the particles the produced
effect tends to zero. Nevertheless, each particle in the elements of our bodies
"feels" that some particle with the Field of Repulsion anywhere in
the universe every moment emits Ether into ethereal field of the universe.
What is the
mechanism of transformation by the Field of Repulsion?
To talk about the transformation by the Field of
Repulsion is more complicated than the transformation by the movement or by the
Field of Attraction. And all because the movement and gravity is very natural
processes in the world around us in the composition of celestial bodies. While
antigravitation is less obvious under these conditions. Merge the particles
with the Fields of Attraction in the conglomerate automatically entails the
transformation by attraction. While particles with the Fields of Repulsion do
not create conglomerates and into existing enter with difficulty. Ether emitted
by the particle Yang, more often if possible, just pushes away the surrounding
particles or repelled itself. And only if there is an obstacle to distance the
surrounding particles or this particle Yang itself, there is transformation by
antigravitation. Emitted Ether passes through the surrounding particles and
heats them in such manner.
As mentioned earlier, there are two "methods"
of transformation of the particles with the Field of Repulsion. First - is the
transformation by Ether emitted by the particles Yang in the conglomerates.
And the second - is the transformation at the collision with Ether emitted by the particles
moving by inertia.
In order to understand the transformation by
antigravitation by the first “method”, we must determine the structural
features of a chemical element. What is it?
A chemical element is a conglomerate consisting as of
individual particles and of smaller conglomerates - unstable particles which
include protons, neutrons, electrons, positrons and others. Different types of
photons that make up the chemical elements are stable particles, indivisible.
Photons are part of neutrons, protons, electrons, positrons and other unstable
particles. The number of possible variations of unstable particles in the
qualitative and quantitative composition of the stable particles is incredibly
large. Imagine to yourself that few particles are separated from unstable
particle, but in the end - it is a little bit different type of particles than
it was before. But let’s back to the transformation.
A chemical element consists of a plurality of smaller
conglomerates. As at the celestial body it has some lighter unstable particles
and some heavier. Light chemical elements in a celestial body are located on
the periphery, and heavy are closer to the center. And the same is in a
chemical element: the lighter unstable particles form a shell (the atmosphere
and hydrosphere), while the heavier - denser central basis. Light unstable
particles contain many particles Yang, and heavy - a little.
To illustrate the transformation by emitted Ether is
better by the example of the impact on the bodies located on the surface of the
planet with the help of that what we call the atmospheric pressure.
Chemical elements, atmospheric gases, accumulating
solar particles Yang, quickly form a total Field of Repulsion. Since the overlying
layers of the atmosphere prevent to the chemical elements of lower layers to move
away from the planet surface, Ether of the lower penetrates the bodies with
which it contacts and heats them in such way – i.e. transforms.
Exactly the same thing happens in the composition of
chemical elements. When the particles hinder to the light particles to move
away from the center, they "penetrate" them by emitted Ether and
transform (i.e. heat).
So, as you can see, there is a complete similarity of
processes and phenomena occurring in the macro-and microcosm. And the process
of transformation of emitted Ether similar to the previously described
processes of transformation by motion and by gravitation. Ether emitted by the
particle Yang puts pressure on the Ether filling the particle which it contacts.
He enters into the front hemisphere of the particle and its required amount
disappears in the Zone of Destruction of the particle instead of Ether, born in
the particle. Does this Ether satisfy the “needs” of transformed particle fully
or partially, it depends, first, on the rate of emission of Ether (of the
magnitude of the Field of Repulsion) by transforming particle. And secondly, on
the rate of destruction of Ether in the transformed particle. If emitted Ether
enters into the particle at a rate equal to or greater than the rate of
destruction of Ether in it, all born Ether, which is usually entered into the
front hemisphere and destroyed there, now released and moves to the rear
hemisphere, together with amount of born Ether that comes back there
"routinely". There occurs a destruction of the demanded amount of Ether.
And if there is an excess, it is outputted out of the particle in the form of Repulsion
Field. If the total amount of Ether that released to the rear hemisphere, is
less than or equal to the rate of destruction, the Field of Repulsion arises. The
Field of Attraction (if we are talking about a particle Yin) is just reduced.
And if the rate of destruction is more, there occurs a Field of Repulsion. If
the transformed particle is Yang, its Field of Repulsion increases.
It should be noted the following. The velocity of
entering of Ether into the particle can immediately exceed the rate of
destruction of Ether in the front hemisphere. Then, simultaneously with the
release of Ether that born in the particles in its rear hemisphere some excess
of external Ether enters into its rear hemisphere. And then the probability
increases that at a particle with the Field of Attraction this field does not
only decrease, but a Field of repulsion will occur. Accordingly, there is an
increase of the Field of Repulsion at a particle Yang.
Here is the mechanism of transformation of particles by
antigravitation. As you can see, it is completely analogous to mechanisms of other
"ways of transformation".
However, we have described only one of two ways to
"get" the transformation by emitted Ether. The second way - is the transformation
at a collision of particles.
We have not yet discussed in detail inertia. A little
later, in the articles dedicated to this subject of mechanics, we know that any
particle that entered into the state of inertial motion certainly emits Ether
by the rear hemisphere. Exactly this Field of Repulsion and supports its movement
by inertia.
When moving particle encounters on the way other
particle a collision occurs. Moving particle can not pass through another particle.
It either moves it up and forces to move in the same direction and that itself
or bounces and changes direction or stops. On the mechanism of the collision we
discuss in detail in future articles with corresponding titles.
If the particle was moving by inertia alone,
transformation will not happen at a collision. A particle, with which the
moving particle collides, is not transformed by emitted Ether of moving
particle. In this case, if the moving particle has the ability to change the direction
of movement – to push off - it does it. The particle with which it collides,
and which it could not budge becomes for it an insurmountable obstacle. The
particle does not move, for example, when it is included in the composition of
the chemical element, and it, in turn, is a part of the body. This particle on
the way is stationary Ether which can’t enter into it because it is not free
and can not move over. In this case, the rear hemisphere of the moving particle
becomes the front and the front – the rear. And a particle is repelled by its
own emitted Ether.
However, if the particle moved not alone, but as part
of the flow of other elementary particles, or as part of a conglomerate, the
particles moving behind it prevent to bounce it - either free or as part of a
conglomerate, which includes our particle. Because of this particle is
sandwiched between the particles on both sides. And Ether emitted by its rear
hemisphere (former front) passes through the particle with which it collides.
And heats it - transforms its quality. The mechanism of transformation is
similar to that described previously.
By the way, just because in the collisions of bodies
there is their destruction - partial or full – avulsion of parts of colliding
bodies, especially in the contact zone. After all the heating of the particles
in the elements of the bodies weakens the bonds between the chemical elements
and between molecules.
Any particle with the Field of Repulsion
"laves" the surrounding particles by emitted Ether. And this emitted
Ether transforms the laved particles, since on these particles in this case,
there is increasing the pressure of Ether. Moreover, the emitted by the particle
Ether moves from itself surround Ether, and as the result the increase of
pressure of Ether not only surrounding particles experience this, but also
those that are behind them. As in the case of particles with the Field of
Attraction, with the distance the pressure of Ether, the cause of which is the
particle with the Field of Repulsion, decreases.
In addition to the
transformation of the surrounding particles, Ether emitted by the particle with
the Field of Repulsion postpones (repels) from itself these surrounding it particles.
Besides emitted Ether repels from the surrounding particles this very particle that
emits Ether. Features of the process of repulsion from each other these
particles depends, first, on the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion of the transforming
particle, and secondly, on the quality of the surrounding particles.
The farther the
particle with the Field of Repulsion is located from the surrounding particles,
which it transforms, the smaller the value of the degree of transformation of
these particles. If the transforming particle with the Field of Repulsion and
others particles surrounding it have the possibility to move away from each
other, then gradually with the increase of the distance between them, the pressure
of emitted Ether is reduced and, accordingly, the magnitude of the degree of
transformation decreases.
However, very often in the world around us, there are
factors that prevent the particles move away from the particles with the Fields
of Repulsion. For example, such situation occurs in any chemical element.
Elementary particles in any chemical element are combined by the total Field of
Attraction of this chemical element. The centripetal Field of Attraction of
this element plays the greatest role. It is thanks to this field Ether from the
surrounding ethereal field moves toward the center of the element. Usually in
any element particles with Repulsion Fields scattered among particles with
Fields of Attraction. Emitted by them Ether also streams in the direction of
the center of element. However, before this occurs, emitted Ether exerts
pressure on the surrounding particles and thereby transforms them.
In the world around us two "transformation methods"
– by attraction and by repulsion - everywhere coexist. What unites them is that
they are typical for elementary particles as in statics and in dynamics – i.e.
whether particles are at rest or moving. These two "transformation methods"
are very common in our Logoic Plan, uniting in the composition of chemical
elements in one whole elementary particles of varying quality - with Fields of
Attraction and Fields of Repulsion. Everywhere, in any conglomerate of
particles, where the particles with both types of Force Fields are presented,
these particles are transformed by these two "ways of transformation".
Transformation of
the external manifestation of the quality is the basis of the variety of known
physical and chemical processes and phenomena. We list the main ones:
1) Any case of
raise of the temperature of the chemical elements of matter;
2) Emission by the heated
chemical elements of different types of elementary particles, mainly different
types of photons; emission of optical photons (of the visible range) is a
"light emission";
3) Reflection of
elementary particles of varying quality emitted or reflected by other chemical
elements; reflection of optical photons is a "reflection of light";
4) Emission of
elementary particles of different quality in the course of the radioactive
decay of heavy elements.
What a wonderful
phenomenon we see in everyday life and call it the inertia? When at the
normal conditions we push the body being in the state of quiescence on the
surface of the solid phase of the planet, it begins the motion, but gradually
slows down. This phenomenon is most easily to observe on example of the solid
bodies, not heated to the combustion temperature. However, and liquid, and
gaseous, and burning bodies behave in a similar manner - after pushing they
move gradually slowing.
Two of the founder
of classical mechanics - Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton played the main role
in the study of inertia.
In the modern
understanding of the meaning of this phenomenon a considerable confusion exists.
Galileo and Newton
considered the inertia as the ability of bodies or stay at quiescence in the
composition of the celestial body (on the surface), or save the state of
"straight" and uniform motion. But at the same, in the formulation of
the Law of Inertia Newton as a compulsory condition for the manifestation of inertia
called the "absence of action of external forces". As we know, he
attributed to the forces including the Force of Attraction (for example, the Force
of Gravity of the planet). The absence of any whatsoever "external
forces" (including the Force of Attraction) is possible only under ideal
conditions, i.e. in a totally empty space. Here lies the main
"disconnect" in the current formulation of the Law of Inertia. Of what
kind of "quiescence" of the body did Galileo and Newton want to talk - the absolute, which is
possible only under ideal conditions, or about the quiescence, caused by the
action of Attraction Field of the planet? Indeed, if in a totally empty space
there is only one body (no matter what, in any aggregate state), then it’s
true, we could talk about the complete absence of external influences on it. The
Fields of Attraction and Repulsion of other bodies would carry away it nowhere;
other bodies in motion would not push it. And the body might be there in a
totally empty space in a state of absolute quiescence. This "quiescence"
is real. But the "quiescence" of the body, which is the result of its
fixation by the Field of Attraction of the celestial body, of which it is part,
we can not to consider as a true "quiescence".
Both scientists as the measure of inertia of bodies consider
their mass. The more the mass of the body is, the greater the ability to
inertia it should have. I.e. the heavier the body, the more it will resist that it moved up and set in motion, and the
longer it will stay in the motion if it already
moving. But is it all just easy as it seems, and is everything explained right?
In fact, the interpretation of this phenomenon by modern physics - is a puzzle
to understand that we offer you with us.
In modern mechanics
to the phenomenon of inertia scientists tend to include almost any case when
the body is "no hurry" to stop its movement. For example, when a body
is caused to rotate or move in a circle, and then it is not stopped
immediately, this fact is explained by inertia (we just add that it's quite
true). But at the same time, scientists-mechanics tend to "no
retreat" of the wording of the Law of Inertia, which was proposed by Newton . And so to the
pure manifestations of inertia they referred in the first place, all cases in
which the body is difficult to set in motion, as well as all cases when the
body is difficult to stop its "straight" movement on the surface of
the planet (the quotes are delivered because when the body is moving, for
example, on the road laid on the surface of a celestial body it is impossible
to talk about the straightness). Thus, in modern mechanics despite the absence of
debate and controversy, there is no one idea of what to understand of
inertia. Although it is believed that everything is in order.
What we are going
to understand of "inertia"? Or resistance of the body to other bodies
that tend or to move it, or to stop its movement along the surface of the
planet in a straight (there this word is not in quotes, as Galileo and Newton conducted
experiments on inertia on smooth surfaces) trajectory. Galileo and Newton understood inertia
just so.
Either we mean by
"inertia" a quite another - namely, the ability to self-renewable movement,
i.e. when we talk about the ability of the bodies just to save the state
of movement. This ability has something in common with the existing in physics
the "Law of conservation of impulse" – i.e. while the body preserves
some unbeknownst impulse, it will move (no matter in what direction, it can
constantly change it) and report this impulse to other bodies in a collision
with them. Impulse as known is the multiplication of mass and velocity of the
body. Please note - all of the same multiplication of mass and velocity, which
we find in the formula of Force (F = ma), kinetic energy (T = mυ²/2)
and Energy (Einstein's formula – E = mc²).
From the practical experience
we know that the heavier the body is, the harder it is to move it off or change
the direction of its movement, if it is already moving. Exactly such bodies, on
the representations of classical mechanics, are the most inert. Thus it is
possible to evaluate not only the inertness of solid bodies but also those
which are at the normal conditions in the liquid or gaseous state, and even
burning. However, because the liquid and gaseous bodies easily deformed and
broken when moving through other bodies and mediums, their inertia is easiest
to examine enclosing them in a hard shell.
In order to find
out what lies in the basis of inertia of the bodies, in the first turn we
should find out whether this phenomenon is typical for elementary particles.
And the answer is
Yes, inertia
inherent to elementary particles. And not just inherent, and it is with them we
should begin to study this phenomenon, because the bodies are composed of chemical
elements, which in turn are composed of particles.
Inertia of
elementary particle - is its ability to maintain a state of motion,
despite the fact that the impact with which the particle has been led to a
state of motion, is already absence. This is the whole essence of the concept
of “inertia”. But why is the particle continues to move even after the external
factor that led her to move, stopped the impact? And does every particle,
regardless of its quality is capable to inertial motion?
At the heart of the
inertial motion of the particles lies the occurrence in the particles of the
Force of Inertia. And the Law of Transformation accompanies the inertia,
namely, the transformation by the movement relative to ethereal field.
In whatever conditions
inertial movement of the particle happens - in real or ideal - it must begin
with the fact that some particle has led the particle to the state of motion.
Ether of ethereal field with respect to which the particle moves, is excessive
for it. Ethereal field presses on the Ether filling the particle. It enters
into the front hemisphere of the particle. As a result, in the front hemisphere
of the particle, in the Zone of Destruction, there is the destruction of
external Ether instead of its own, born in it.
Ether of ethereal field through which the particle
moves, passing through the particle changes the outward manifestation of its
quality. This passing through the particle "excessive" Ether fully or
partially "deprives" the particle of the Field of Attraction. Will be
this deliverance complete or partial, depends on the velocity of the particle.
The greater the speed is, the smaller the Field of Attraction and the greater
the likelihood that there will be a Field of Repulsion. If the particle had a Field
of Repulsion, its value increases. Particles with Fields of Attraction their
value decreases only in the rear hemisphere (rear – on the direction of motion).
And if there a Field of Repulsion arises, it also manifests only in the rear
hemisphere. Particles with Fields of Repulsion their magnitude also increases only
behind. Again, the higher the speed is with which the particle has been led in
motion, the larger the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion that arises.
Decrease of the Field of Attraction or its replacement
by a Field of Repulsion (at the particles Yin), or increase of the Field of
repulsion (at the particles Yang) occurs because Ether of ethereal field
passing through the periphery of the particle (where its destruction occurs),
becomes for a particle excessive. If the speed of entering of Ether is greater
than the speed of destruction of, the particle begins to emit its own created
Ether - a Field of Repulsion appears at a particle (or enhanced if it already
has it).
Why is possible an
inertial motion at all?
And now actually
about why a particle shifts forward relative to Ether emitted by it backward.
Under ideal
conditions, the particle with the Field of Repulsion emits Ether uniformly over
its entire surface. Just because of the existence of this balance between all
points of the surface the particle is at quiescence on the place and does not shift
at any of the sides.
In a state of
inertial motion we conventionally divide the particle on 2 hemispheres - front
and rear. Due to the fact that after the initial push the particle shifts
relative to the ethereal field, Ether presses on the front hemisphere, and it
can not emit Ether. Balance is disturbed. The front hemisphere does not emit
anything, and the rear – the twice dose. Ether coming from the rear hemisphere
simultaneously repels the particle itself and the surrounding Ether. This
causes the particle to move in the direction where its front hemisphere
24. THE
Only those
particles which after bringing them in motion have a Field of Repulsion -
originally inherent or arising as a result from the transformation
(unimportant) – are capable to inertial motion.
The particle which
after bringing it into motion saves in the rear hemisphere the Field of
Attraction, will not move by inertia. Explanation for this is following.
For order to the
particle could move by inertia its rear hemisphere (it is allocated
conditionally) must emit Ether, which as soon as turns out outside of the
particle, pushes it forward. The particle, in which in the rear hemisphere the
Field of Attraction does not disappear, of course, can not emit Ether. Entering
into the particle external Ether does not come out of the particle, creating or
enhancing a Field of Repulsion behind, while in the particle there is a
"need" in disappearing Ether in it. And only entering into the
particle Ether in varying degrees satisfy its "need", then its own
created in it Ether begins to emit. Created Ether emits the more, than the
needs of the particles in the destruction of Ether are satisfied better. If the
particle velocity relative to the ethereal field exceeds the rate of
disappearance of Ether in it, whereas in the Field of Repulsion of the particle
and the external Ether is included – entering into the particle, but not
destroying in it.
And here is the
mechanism of inertial motion.
If the particle has
a Field of Repulsion (naturally existing or arising as a result of
transformation), then in the state of quiescence Ether is uniformly emitted by
the particle in all directions. If the particle with the Field of Repulsion shifts
relative to the ethereal field, Ether of ethereal field does not let to Ether
of the Field of Repulsion to be emitted in the front hemisphere of the
particle. Ether of ethereal field entering into the particle exerts pressure on
the Ether, that tends to be emitted in the front hemisphere, and makes it to be
emitted in the rear hemisphere.
Ether emitted in
the rear hemisphere is faced with an ethereal field behind the particle. As a
result, between Ether filling the particle and ether of ethereal field behind
the particle occurs an excess of Ether - Ether ejected from the particle. As a
result, in the Ether filling the particle it is appearing the tendency to move
away from this excess of Ether. Otherwise, we can say that ether filling the
particle is repelled by Ether supplanted from it. And the particle continues the
motion, which in mechanics is called by inertial motion.
We can say that the
phenomenon of inertia literally embodies the idea of "perpetuum",
which from time immemorial is a dream of mechanics- engineers.
25. THE
Ether emitted by
the rear hemisphere of the particle moving by inertia, this is the Force of Inertia.
This Force
of Inertia is the repulsion of Ether filling the particle by Ether
emitted by it.
The magnitude of
the Inertial Force is proportional to the rate of emission of Ether by the particle.
I.e. the greater the Field of Repulsion of the particle is, the greater the
value of occurring in it Force of Inertia.
We recall that
often an inertial motion of particles immediately after the push becomes a uniform
character. In this case the Field of repulsion of the particle includes not
only Ether, born in the particle (and released because its destruction is replaced
by destroying of external Ether), but also external Ether, which entered into a
particle and not destroyed in it.
26. THE
Since the time of
Galilei and Newton
the straightness and equability is considered as the only two characteristics
of inertial motion. But the reality is somewhat different.
Isaac Newton was
right, when in the Law of Inertia as a compulsory condition of inertia has pointed
the "absence of action of external forces".
Indeed, only in a
completely empty space a trajectory of a particle moving by inertia never
deviate from a straight line.
In the real
conditions, where the space is filled with particles of all kinds of quality
and everywhere gravity and antigravity fields manifest, the straightness of
trajectory is necessarily violated. If in the particle in addition to the Inertial
Force any more Force arises, then the particle, without ceasing to move
inertially, may at the same time shifts under the influence of other force, for
example, to come near to the source of Attraction Field or to move away from
the source of Field of Repulsion. Ether emitted by the particle, also continues
to repel it forward. But at the same time the ethereal flow of the Field of
Attraction or the Field of Repulsion shifts with itself a particle.
Accordingly, the movement of the particle ceases to be straight and becomes curved.
However, not
everything here is so simple. And the features of the motion of the particle -
its speed and shape of the trajectory - depend on many factors. First, you need
to consider what types of Forces acting on the particle and how many of them.
Secondly, you must consider the value of each of the forces.
And, thirdly, you need to know under what angle the vectors of Forces are
located relative to one another. Only assessing all these factors, we
can try to calculate what will be the direction and velocity of a particle at
any given moment of time.
Besides, the
character of the inertial movement of the particles will never be uniform!
only uneven, namely uniformly decelerated and uniformly accelerated.
Accordingly, an uneven motion can be described by a value of deceleration or
acceleration of the particle.
Let's look at the
particles of what quality an inertial particle motion will be uniformly
decelerated and of what quality it will be uniformly accelerated.
1) The uniformly
decelerated character of inertial motion.
The inertial motion
of the particles, which initially (outside transformation) has a Field of Attraction
- the particles Yin - can only be uniformly decelerated.
What will be the
velocity of a particle at any given moment of time depends on two factors:
1) The magnitude of
the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of
the particle.
Let’s explain the
uniformly deceleration by follows.
Any particle with a
Field of Attraction so and has a Field of Attraction that its rate destruction of Ether is greater than
the rate of creation. In order to illustrate what is happening, let's assign to
the value of the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the rate of creation, as
well as the rate with which the particle is initially led to the motion
relatively to the ethereal field, some conditional values that do not match
the real, but truly reflect the ratio of the real magnitudes.
Now we are talking about a particle with a Field of Attraction.
This means that the rate of destruction of Ether in it exceeds the rate of
creation. Therefore, let the rate of destruction is equal to 3 conventional
units, and the rate of creation – to 1 conventional unit. As we have seen, the Force
of Inertia – this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle, i.e.
a Field of Repulsion appearing in the particle. The Force of Inertia is equal
to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate of emission rate of
Ether by the rear hemisphere. As is known, the appearing in the particle a
Field of Repulsion consists of own Ether of the particle liberated in it (born
there) and of external Ether, entering, but not destroyed. Until then, until all
nascent Ether is not released, we can’t talk about accession to the Field of
Repulsion of external Ether. In order to that all born in the particle Ether is
released in the form of the Field of Repulsion, it is necessary that the rate
of displacement of the particle relative to the ethereal field is equal to the
rate of destruction of Ether. I.e. in our case it is equal to 3 conventional units.
Then the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion arising in the particle is equal
to 1 conventional unit that corresponds to the rate of creation of Ether. If
the velocity of the initial displacement of the particle is less than 3 conventional
units, then a Field of Repulsion is less than 1 conventional unit. A Field of Repulsion
equal to 1 conventional unit shifts the particle also on a rate equal to 1
conventional unit that will lead to further decrease of the magnitude of the Field
of Repulsion.
A Field of Repulsion with a value less than 3 conventional
units, which arises in the particle in the rear hemisphere, does not allow to
push a particle with such speed that would fully satisfy the need of the
particle in destroyed Ether. As a result, less Ether is released which is born
in the particle. The more its amount is "spent" by the particle
itself. As a result, a Field of Repulsion decreases, which reduces the velocity
of the particle. Reducing of the speed makes the particle absorb an even larger
part of Ether created in it, which further reduces the Field of Repulsion of
the particle, etc. And so it carried out a gradual deceleration of the inertial
motion of a particle with a Field of Attraction. And, accordingly, the nature
of such inertial motion is uniformly decelerated.
In assessing the value of the speed with which the
particle should initially displaced to its inertial motion is though uniformly
decelerated, but still long enough, you should also remember that there are
particles with the same magnitude of Fields of Attraction, but they differ in
both the rate of disappearance of Ether, and in the rate of creation.
2) The uniformly accelerated character of
inertial motion.
In the particles
having Fields of Repulsion and out of the transformation process - the
particles Yang - inertial motion can only be uniformly accelerated.
And just as in the case of particles with Fields of Attraction, the speed of
inertial motion at each moment of time is determined by two factors:
1) The magnitude of
the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of
the particle.
Let’s explain the
reasons for the uniformly accelerated character of inertial motion of particles
All particles with Fields
of Repulsion and because possess by the Fields of Repulsion that their speed of
creation of Ether is more than the speed of destruction.
Let us, by analogy
with particles Yin we estimate the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the speed
of creation, as well as the speed with which the particle is initially led to
the motion relatively to the ethereal field, using abstract conventional units,
truly reflect the ratio of these values.
In the particle
with the Field of Repulsion the rate of creation of Ether always exceeds the
rate of destruction. Let the rate of destruction is equal to 1 conventional
unit, and the rate of creation - to 3 conventional units. As already mentioned,
the Force of Inertia this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the
particle, i.e. a Field of Repulsion, which in this case increases. The Force of
Inertia is equal to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate
of emission of Ether by the rear hemisphere. The Field of Repulsion consists of
own Ether of the particle released in it (born there) and of external Ether,
entering, but not destroyed. Until all nascent Ether is not released, there is
no joining to the Field of Repulsion of external Ether.
As mentioned earlier, the particle can move inertially
only when entering into Ether in front of it if it satisfies the
"need" of the particle on Ether, and as a result in a particle a Field
of Repulsion appears. But particles that initially have Fields of Repulsion
need not to seek its emergence with the help of transformation. Transformation
can only increase the Field of Repulsion. Thus, even the minimum initial
velocity of the particle with the Field of Repulsion increases this Field, because
to naturally existing Field of Repulsion that amount of created Ether is added,
which because of the entering into the particle Ether in front of it stops it
used for destruction. Even the initial speed equal to 1 % of 1 conventional
unit will lead to the increase of the Field of Repulsion and the beginning of
inertial motion. Increase of the Field of Repulsion increases the rate at which
the emitted Ether pushes the particle forward. Increase of the speed of the
motion again leads to increase of the Field of Repulsion of the particle, which
further increases the velocity of the particle, etc. The process of the growing
of the Field of Repulsion and, consequently, of the acceleration of the
particle continues until all "need " in the destroyed Ether does not
cease to be satisfied at the expense of the resources of own Ether created in
the particle and does not start fully replenished by Ether entering into the
particle in front of it. After that, the inertial motion of a particle is
stabilized, ceases to accelerate and becomes uniform. In this case the velocity
of the particle is equal to the speed of creation of Ether by the particle.
Note, it is not to the speed of naturally existing at the particle the Field of
Repulsion (i.e., outside of the process of transformation), namely the speed of
creation of Ether.
We can sum up and conclude that the particles
which have Fields of Repulsion and out of the process of transformation can be
led to a state of inertial motion much easier compared with the particles
initially have Fields of Attraction. The word "easier" means that for
particles with Fields of Repulsion, any even the minimum initial speed fits.
While not every initial speed will cause the inertial motion of a particle with
a Field of Attraction.
Discussed a little
earlier the main characteristics of the inertial motion of elementary particles
without any additional conditions are applicable only to ideal conditions. Yes,
only in ideal conditions, the trajectory of the particle will always remain
straight. As for velocity of the particle at each moment of time, but only in a
completely empty space all the features of uniformly accelerated or of
uniformly decelerated motion of the particles will fit to the perfect ones
In reality, in inertially
moving particles in additional to the Inertial Force many other forces, the
causes of which are already well known:
1) Fields of
Attraction of other objects;
2) Fields of
3) Pressure from
other particles (moving or "in quiescence" in the conglomerate of
I.e. in real conditions on the inertially moving
particle many other forces can simultaneously act - Attraction, Repulsion,
Pressure. For example, some particle is moving by inertia. And simultaneously
Ether, through which it moving, is shifted under the influence of the Field of
Attraction of any object. Inertial Force competes with the Force of Attraction.
Or the surrounding Ether is shifted repelled by the
Field of Repulsion. Or some moving particle crash into another moving particle.
I.e. Inertial Force opposes the Force of Pressure of the particle surface. In
any case, we must determine the angle between the vectors of the Forces. And also
to find out the value of the Forces. After this, on the Rule of Parallelogram
we will know the direction and magnitude of the resultant force.
These other forces arising in the inertially moving
particle compete in magnitude with the Inertial Force, moving the particle. As
a result of acting of these forces the direction of motion of a particle can
change. Simultaneously with the direction, usually it is changing the velocity
of the particle measured at each moment of time - either increases or decreases
(down to zero). The changing of the
direction of motion of a particle does not lead to the disappearance of the Inertial
Force (except cases when the speed drops to zero). I.e. a particle continues to
move by inertia. However and the magnitude of this force, and direction of the
vector changes.
In order to know the direction and magnitude of the
vector of resultant force, which arises in a result of acting on a particle
moving by inertia and even other forces, we turn to the Rule of Parallelogram.
Diagonal drawn from the same point, where is the start of vectors of initial
Forces (one of which must be Inertial Force) - this is the resultant force
As previously mentioned, in assessing of the speed and
direction of motion of the particle due to the impact on it more than one force
we need take into account a number of factors. Here they are:
1) The magnitude of the forces acting on the particle,
and their total number;
2) The angle between the vectors of the Forces;
3) The type of forces acting on the particle.
Additionally, for the Force of Inertia we can find out
the general character of the movement – uniformly decelerated or uniformly
accelerated, and also what is value of the acceleration or deceleration.
Particle velocity increases if speed, caused by the
action of any Field of Attraction or Repulsion is added to the speed caused by the
magnitude of the Inertial Force. This is because the particle moves relative to
ethereal field, and at the same time the very ethereal field, as well as Ether,
filling the particle are shifted under the influence of the cause of the Force –
Field of Attraction or Field of Repulsion. What will be the trajectory of a
particle, if in addition to the Inertial Force the Force of Attraction or Force
of Repulsion arises in it, depends on:
1) The initial direction of the inertial motion of a
2) The speed of the inertial motion of a particle,
measured per unit of time;
3) The magnitude of the Field of Attraction of
attracting or the Field of Repulsion of repulsive object.
In any case, for the
inertially moving particle, there are only two versions of events:
1) The particle will
fly past the objects with the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion, in one way or
another attracting by the Field of Attraction or rebounding by the Field of
2) The particle
will not pass the object with the Field of Attraction or Repulsion instead it
will be attracted to the object with the Field of Attraction or drastically
deviate from the object with the Field of Repulsion.
Or instead of
acting of Fields of Attraction and Repulsion it may be that inertially moving
particle collides with another particle - either truly motionless, or with a
"stationary" particle because it is fixed in any Field of Attraction
or with a particle, also moving inertially.
1) If another
particle is truly motionless, there arises the Force of Inertia, which will
cause it to move in the same direction in which the investigated particle was
moving. But this is only if the particle has the Field of Repulsion, or if it
has arose;
2) In the event
that the other particle "immobile" in a Field of Attraction, there
are two possible scenarios:
a) An investigated
particle will change the direction of the motion after a collision with the
"stationary" particle;
b) An investigated particle
force "stationary" particle to move in the same direction.
3) In the event
that the other particle inertially moves itself and its velocity is greater
than the velocity of the given particle whose movement we explore, the
investigated particle starts to obey the new Force of Inertia, forcing it to
move in a new direction. And of the last Inertial Force only a higher degree of
transformation was left. I.e. there is an addition of degrees of transformation
that increases the speed of motion.
Let’s on example of
two simplest tasks show how and why inertial motion of particles Yin is
uniformly decelerated and of particles Yang - uniformly accelerated.
1) Uniformly
decelerated motion of a particle Yin.
Let’s take a
particle Yin with a rate of creation of Ether equal to 1 conventional unit, and
a rate of destruction equal to 3 conventional units.
Let its initial
speed relative to the ethereal field is equal to 7 conventional units.
We subtract from 7
conventional units 3 conventional units: 7 - 3 = 4. This is amount of external entering
into the particle Ether that is destroyed in it, in its both hemispheres when
it is displaced relative to the ethereal field.
1 conventional unit
of Ether is released, 1 + 4 = 5.
Initial Field of
Repulsion, generating in a particle is equal to 5 conventional units, i.e. the speed
of inertial motion of the particle is equal to 5 standard units.
Then we subtract 3 from 5 conventional units: 5 - 3 =
2 and 2 + 1 = 3 conventional units.
As you can see, the magnitude of the Field of
Repulsion smoothly decreases from 5 to 3 conventional units, i.e. the velocity
of the particle drops to 3 c.u.
Next: 3 - 3 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1 conventional unit.
Finally, a Field of Repulsion becomes equal to one
conventional unit. And the speed is too.
1 unit credit is not sufficient to fully meet the
"need" of a particle in destructible Ether: 1 - 3 = -2. We need 2 conventional
units yet. I.e. inertial motion ceases, as a Field of Attraction occurs in the
rear hemisphere.
2) Uniformly
accelerated motion of a particle Yang.
And now we take a
particle Yang with a rate of creation of Ether equal to 3 conventional units,
and a rate of destruction of 1 conventional unit.
Let’s its initial
speed relative to the ethereal field is one standard unit.
From 1 conventional
unit we subtract 1 conventional unit: 1 - 1 = 0. This means that the initial
velocity of the particle equal to one unit fully satisfies the need of a
particle in the destroyed Ether. And not a single share of 1 conventional unit
of own Ether of the particle, which usually make up the need of a particle in
the destroyed Ether, is consumed. All Ether created in a particle, all three
conventional units are emitted in the form of repulsion field in the rear
hemisphere. I.e. velocity of the particle gradually increases from 1 to 3 cu.
Now we subtract 3
from 1: 3 - 1 = 2. From the speed equal to 3 we subtract 1 conventional unit -
the rate of destruction of Ether.
Then we add 3 to 2:
2 + 3 = 5. This is the particle velocity.
Then we subtract 1
from 5: 5 - 1 = 4. 4 To 4 we add the 3 conventional units: 4 + 3 = 7.
And so on. If inhibitory
forces do not act on the particle, it could be accelerated indefinitely.
But in reality,
this will never happen, because the space is filled with elementary particles, and
a particle moving by inertia can collides with them. And besides that particles
of Yin and Yang are mixed in the space. And during any contact, any
neighborhood of the particle Yin with the particle Yang, Yin takes away Ether
(energy) of a particle Yang – i.e. reduces the magnitude of the inertial forces
cause the particles to move.
Let's analyze why
there exists such mechanical phenomenon, as a "collision" of
elementary particles.
First, let's find
out what we call the "collision".
Collision - this is the
point of contact between two particles, at least one of which is certainly to
this was in the process of movement. Directly the strike of particles each
other - is a collision of Ethers. Ether filling particles and emitted by them
collides. About collision of Ether filling the particles, we speak in respect to
the particles Yin in the case of inertial motion as of particles Yin and Yang.
As for the collision of emitted Ether, it refers to particles Yang.
There are three reasons
for collision of particles:
1) An attraction of
2) A repulsion of
3) An inertial
motion of one or both of the particles.
1) Collision in the
process of attraction.
Collision in the process of attraction will
occur both if an attracted particle has a Field of Attraction, and in the event
that an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion. When two particles
interact with each other (are attracted) and come closer to each other in the
course of this, the final moment of their approach - contact - just be
collision (impact). If an attracted particle has a Field of Repulsion, then
rapprochement with an attracting particle and thus their collision will occur
only if the Field of Repulsion of attracted particles is less in modulus of the
Field of Attraction of attracting particle. If the Field of Repulsion of an attracted
particle in modulus is greater or equal to the Field of Attraction of attracting
particle an rapprochement (and impact) of the particles will not happen.
2) Collision in the
process of repulsion.
Collision during repulsion occurs in the
following situations.
Primarily emitted Ether meets Ether emitted by
another particle Yang. It is also a variant of collision. Or emitted Ether hits
Ether filling the particle Yin.
A particle with a Field of Repulsion emits
Ether and is adjacent to another particle - Yin or Yang. If it is adjacent to
the particle Yin, the rate of emission of Ether exceeds the rate of its
absorption of Ether by the particle Yin. In this case, both particles diverge,
since the volume of Ether emitted by the particle with the Field of Repulsion
between them increases. Moving away from each other, the particles meet on the path
and other particles and collide with them.
If the particle, which is adjacent to the particle
with a Field of Repulsion is also a particle Yang, the rate of repulsion of the
particles is even more. And also it does not avoid collisions with other particles
in the way.
Or, for example, Yang particle is composed of
conglomerate of particles, for example, of the chemical element. There are such
types of chemical elements in which on the periphery due to the abundance of
particles Yang there are zones (and even the entire surface), which manifests
outside not the Field of Attraction but Repulsion Field. So here is not even a Field
of Repulsion of single particle Yang on the surface and a Field of Repulsion of
the given zone as part of the conglomerate will repel free particles moving
past. First, the emitted Ether banging in particle flying by - it is a variant
of collision. And secondly, a particle with repelled by Ether emitted by a conglomerate,
collides with the particles, which met on the way. This case is very common.
3) Collision in the
process of inertial motion.
The third case of
collision of particles - this is when at least one of them was to impact during
the movement. In this case, the collision - is also the moment of contact of
the particles.
This case differs
significantly from the first variant of collision. That collision during
inertial motion is the cause of many important for us natural processes and
phenomena. So let's take a review of the case of collision longer.
In the real
conditions can collide:
1) Two free
2) A free particle
and a particle in a conglomerate of particles (e.g., such as a chemical
3) Two different
particles in conglomerates of particles.
1) The collision of
two free particles.
A) Both particles were
before collision in the process of inertial motion.
B) One of the
particles before the collision was in a state of inertial motion, and the
second - in the "true quiescence".
The expression "true
quiescence" means that the immobility of the particle is not associated
with holding it in any Field of Attraction (for example, about the bodies on
the surface of the planet we say that they are in quiescence, as it were,
"forgetting" that the planet itself is moving). True particle in
quiescence is still just anywhere in the ethereal field.
Let's look at the
mechanism of particle collisions on the example of the last case, where only
one particle moves by inertia, while the second is in a true quiescence.
Movement of free
elementary particle is always inertial. The Force of Inertia makes to move it by
inertia – i.e. tendency of Ether filling the particle to move away from Ether
emitted by this particle (its rear hemisphere). Let us remind you that the
particle motion relative to the ethereal field accompanied by the
transformation of the particle. When the particle moves by inertia, A Field of
Repulsion must exist in it, regardless of whether this particle has a repulsion
field out of the transformation process. At the same time the front hemisphere
of the particle does not emit Ether – Ether of ethereal field through which the
particle moves prevents to this. Ether of ethereal field does not let to go
outside the Ether, created by the particle, forcing it to stay in the particle.
And as a result this Ether is used by this particle itself for the destruction.
So inertially
moving particle does not emit Ether by its front hemisphere. If Ether was emitted,
it could interfere the particle to contact with the surface of the particle,
which met on the way, i.e. colliding with it. And because the front surface of
the inertially moving particle does not emit Ether, nothing prevents it to
collide with the particles which occur in its path.
However and here there are some restrictions, and they
are caused by the quality of particles in quiescence on the way.
When on the way of the inertially moving particle
there is another particle and between them there are no particles, the
following occurs.
In a moving particle by inertia there is an Inertial Force.
And another Force adds there to this one. It is the Force of Attraction if
greeted on the way particle has a Field of Attraction or the Force of Repulsion
if the particle has a Field of Repulsion. A compulsory condition in this case
is the location of particle encountered on the same line along which the
particle moves by inertia.
1) The Force of Attraction we should sum with the Inertial
Force. This is explained by the fact that the vectors of both
forces are in the same direction. The speed of the inertial motion of a
particle depends from the Force of Inertia. And the speed with which an attracted
particle approaches the attracting depends from the Force of Attraction. Summing
the forces, we sum and the speeds. And as a result the particle velocity is
equal to the sum of two speeds.
V in. + V f.att. = V sum.,
where V in. - is the speed of inertial
motion, V f.att. - is the speed of ethereal flow of the Field of
Attraction, V sum. - is the total velocity of the ethereal flow.
The speed of rapprochement of the inertially moving
particle with the particle with the Field of Attraction depends on two factors:
1) The magnitude of the Force of inertia;
2) The magnitude of the Force of Attraction.
The Inertial Force acts in this case as a constant.
But the Force of Attraction is proportional to the Field of Attraction of an
encountered particle. The more is the Field of Attraction, the greater is the Force
of Attraction. And the higher is the rate of approach of the inertially moving
particle to the particle at quiescence. The
Force of Impact (Force of Collision) represent in this case the sum of the
above two forces - the Force of Inertia and the Force of Attraction.
Accordingly, the greater is the Force of Inertia and the greater is the magnitude of
the Field of Attraction of oncoming particle, with greater force the moving
particle collides with a stationary one.
And that's not all. At the moment of contact
(collision) of a moving particle with a particle at quiescence, having a Field
of Attraction, there is a transfer of a portion of Ether from the particle with the
Field of Repulsion to the particle with the Field of Attraction.
As has been said, an inertially moving particle has a Field
of Repulsion, i.e. emits Ether. A particle in quiescence with a Field of
Attraction absorbs Ether. When a particle with a Field of Repulsion touches the
surface of the particle with Field of Attraction, Ether, which have not been
emitted before by the front hemisphere of the particle emitted starts to emit
by influence of the Field of Attraction of neighboring particle. Because the
particle with the Field of Repulsion loses Ether, there is decreasing of the
amount of Ether emitted by its rear hemisphere – i.e. the Force of Inertia decreases.
That's why in collisions of moving particles with particles having Field of
Attraction, the speed of inertial motion of the particles gradually decrease
with each collision. Incidentally, we should mention here that this phenomenon of
the transfer of Ether underlies the gradual slowing of bodies in collisions
with other bodies.
2) If the particle in the place of contact has Field
of Repulsion, then it is the cause of the Force of Repulsion. And this Force of Repulsion should be subtracted from
the Force of Inertia, since the vector of Repulsion Force is reversed.
A particle with Field of Repulsion emitting Ether
increases its amount between itself and the inertially moving particle,
preventing their rapprochement.
If the Inertial Force is more in modulus than the
Force of Repulsion, their rapprochement of the particles happens anyway and
they will contact – i.e. will collide.
If the Inertial Force is equal in modulus than the
Force of Repulsion, rapprochement (and collision) will not happen. Inertially
moving particle will like "slip in place". In this case the Inertial Force
does not disappear. A particle will move through Ether emitted by the counter
particle, but one iota it shall not come near.
In the same case, if the Inertial Force is less in modulus
than the Repulsion Force, there will be a gradual distancing of the inertially
moving particle from the counter particle. The speed with which Ether will fill
the space between the particles is greater than the speed of the inertial
motion of a particle. Herewith the particle will also save the state of
inertial motion through Ether emitted by the counter particle.
A particle moving
by inertia because it is filled with Ether is the cause of those forces in the
particles that it meets on the way - Force of Pressure of particle surface, or
simply - Pressure Force.
Ether, filling a
moving particle pushes particles along the way. I.e. in Ether of the particle met
on the way there occurs a tendency to move away from Ether filling the
colliding particle. When the particle moves by inertia, its front hemisphere
emits Ether. Therefore, in the particle with which the moving particle
collides, there not occurs a Force of Repulsion - only the Pressure Force. I.e.
moving particle colliding with a stationary pushes it not by emitted Ether, and
its "surface", or, in other words, b Ether filling a given particle.
The magnitude of
the Pressure Force arising in the pushed particle is equal to the Force of Inertia,
causing the moving inertial particle pushing it.
Not only taken
separately free particles moving by inertia may lead to arising in other
particles of a Pressure Force. Particles in conglomerates (on their surface) -
both moving and simply seeking to move (pressing) - also affect by Pressure Force.
Now let's consider
the case of collision of free particles, both of which were up to the moment of
contact during the process of inertial motion.
What happens with
each of the particles after they have collided? A very important role will play
in the way how the vectors of Forces of Pressure of these two particles will be
located in relation to each other. The vectors of the Pressure Forces can be:
1) in opposite
2) directed at an
angle to each other.
In order to
determine how the resultant force vector will be directed, we are not going to
invent anything new, and turn to the Rule of Parallelogram.
What happens to the
particles in the moment of their collision?
At the moment of collision each particle feels the
effect of two forces:
1) own Inertial Force;
2) the Pressure Force caused by the second of the
colliding particles.
If you remember, we assigned to the Rule of Parallelogram
another name - the Rule of Subordination to Dominant Force in view of
action of the less Force. I.e. in accordance with this Rule any particle always
increasingly subordinates to the greatest largest Force. However, the action of
the less Force also taken into account, and accounted for in accordance with
the features of the addition and subtraction of vectors. If the force vectors
lie on a same line and, of course, in opposite directions, from the larger
vector we subtract smaller. The obtained difference is the resultant force. If
the vectors are arranged at an angle to each other, then the diagonal of the
parallelogram formed by the vectors as on the sides, just indicate the
direction and magnitude of the resultant force. This means that for each of two
particles we build its own parallelogram and calculate its own resultant force.
And after the collision each of the colliding particles go in a new direction
and with a new speed (Force indicates speed), which correspond to the magnitude
and the direction of the resultant force. It does not matter different or same the
particle velocity, i.e. it is regardless of the value of their Inertial Force.
In all cases when vectors are directed at an angle
greater than 180˚, the direction of motion of two particles changes after
collision. If vectors lie on the same line, then after collision the particle
with the larger Inertial Force (and thus with the lager Pressure Force) will
retain the former direction. Although it decreases the speed as of the vector
of its force will be deducted the force vector of the second particle. But the
particle with a smaller Inertial Force (and Pressure Force) changes the direction
of its motion is reversed.
As you can see the colliding particles do not pass
through each other. Mechanism of their impact is very similar to collision of
two thrown balls. This is not surprising, since any spherical body (ball) is
constructed of the same material - of elementary particles. Particles-balls
collide and bounce at an angle (if they collide at an angle).
Particles do not
lie apart on the surface of a chemical element as solid bodies on the surface
of a celestial body. And no particles move by “inertia” on the surface of
chemical element colliding with particles on its surface, as it takes place
with dense bodies on the surface of the celestial body. However, mechanism of collision
of a free particle with particles in a chemical element in many points similar
to the mechanism of collision of solid or liquid body falling on the surface of
a celestial body with other bodies, fixed on the surface of the planet.
Let any particle is
at quiescence in the Gravity Field of a chemical element anywhere in the
composition of its surface layers. And at the same time with this particle
another particle emitted by any element collides.
Particles are emitted by the elements:
1) after collision with an element of a free particle
or other chemical element;
2) under influence of a larger Field of Attraction of
another element that "tears off" the particles.
In the first case when the particle is emitted as a
result of collision its movement after the emission has an inertial character.
If herewith this inertially moving particle encounters on the way the Gravity Field
of some chemical element, in addition to the inertia the driving factor is the Field
of Attraction of the element. In the second case when the particle is emitted
by the action of the Field of Attraction of another element, in its motion inertia
is absent, and it moves only under the influence of the Field of Attraction.
Trajectory of motion of an emitted particle can either
cross with a location of an element with which it collides or pass this
In the first case when the particle trajectory crosses
with the element the particle moves by inertia. And besides that it is attracted
by the Gravity Field of the element, and the speed caused by the emergence in
the particle of a Force of Gravitation adds to the speed of inertial motion. I.e.
the Force of Attraction adds to the Force of Inertia that leads to the
summation of the speed. The falling of the particle is combined with the
inertial motion.
In the second case the particle moves past the
element, it moves by inertia. I.e. again we need to turn to the Rule of Parallelogram
- it will help us to calculate the magnitude and the direction of the resultant
force at each time point. In any case, the greater is a Force of Inertia over a
Force of Attraction or less, a trajectory of a particle becomes curved -
parabolic. And it is directed toward the source of a Force of Attraction. And
all because the source of the Force of Inertia is the moving particle itself. I.e.
a source of Inertial Force is not located somewhere at a distance. It is here, it's
always there. I.e. the particle "turns" in the direction of a
chemical element. But this is not necessary that it falls on it. In order to
clarify the further fate of the particle, it is necessary to apply the formulas
of space velocities. I.e. whether the particle will fly by, leaning slightly,
or drop on the element depends on the value of "escape velocity" (the
magnitude of Force of Inertia).
At falling on an
element inertia of the motion of a particle does not disappear. The degree of
transformation remains elevated. And the Inertial Force in this case is also
added to the Force of Attraction.
As already
mentioned, a function of any elementary particle is to keep around itself a
fixed amount of Ether. Particles themselves are transparent to each other. Filling
them Ether makes them opaque. Therefore a collision is a contact and a pressure
on each other of Ether filling particles.
So, in the previous
case when free particles collide with each other, they had to overcome the Pressure
Force of each other. A magnitude of Pressure Forces is caused by a magnitude of
Forces of Inertia of particles.
In this case when we
talk about collision of free particles with a chemical element, the Forces that
the particles will have to overcome are somewhat changed.
Do you remember we
talked about elementary particles being in the state of quiescence? In case if the
particle includes in a chemical element it is also in quiescence, but only
relative to the center of this chemical element. This quiescence, of course,
can not be regarded as a truly, because while a particle can be motionless
relative to the center of a chemical element, the element can move. So, as you
remember, if a free particle collides with a particle at quiescence, the first
one starts to move without resistance to the pushing it particle. But if a
particle is "at quiescence" is a part of a chemical element, it would
resist any particle that tries to shift it from a place. What is this
resistance? This resistance is caused by an action of Fields of Attraction of
particles with such fields as part of the given chemical element (as well as in
others elements of the body, which includes this element). These Fields of Attraction are the cause of emergence
in the particle Attraction Forces that actually keep the particle composed of the
Resistance of a particle being in a state of quiescence in a chemical element
is composed of Attraction Forces caused by the action of Attraction Fields of
particles with such fields as part of this element. Fields of Attraction of particles
located on the same line are summarized. And such lines in the element we can draw
many. A total Gravity Field of a chemical element is always the largest along the
line passing through the center of the element. You can name this total Field
of Attraction as Centripetal. All these summary Fields of Attraction are the
cause of emergence in the particle on the surface of the element of Forces of
Attraction. Especially we should highlight the Forces of Attraction caused by
the action of Attraction Fields of particles with such fields in contact with a
particle at quiescence.
In addition, a chemical element itself is retained in
the composition of the planet by Forces of Attraction (bonds) caused by the
action of Attraction Fields of surrounding elements. The surrounding elements are
elements in the body, to which this element belongs. Also, this is remaining
elements of the celestial body, in which this body is included.
All these Forces of Attraction hold the given particle
anywhere in the composition of the surface layers of the given chemical element
and cause it to resist to the particle colliding with it. I.e. when a free
particle collides with a chemical element, its Pressure Force opposes the
entire amount of Attractive Forces holding the particle in the given chemical
element, and the chemical element in this celestial body. In accordance with The Rule of
Subordination to Dominant Force a particle can obey the Pressure Force of a pushing particle only if the
Pressure Force is more than all total Forces of Attraction holding the
particles in the element. This is impossible. That is why a particle in a chemical
element does not start to move in the same direction that colliding with it a
free particle. Instead, a free particle in the time of collision
stops. Its inertial motion in the last direction (if it is before moving
inertially) stops.
There are various
options for further developments occurred after the collision of the particles
- both for the particle fallen to an element, and to the "stationary"
within the surface of the particle. Each particle can either remain as a part
of the element – absorbed by it or leave it – to be emitted.
33. THE
Any scientist is a
person, a part of our planet. Everyone can have an access to all that diversity
of ideas, existing in the form of elementary particles of different plans -
free and in the form of conglomerates. "Ideas are in the air" -
is not figurative expressions, and literal. Most of the ideas owning by human
minds are really worn in the Earth's atmosphere. These ideas are information,
all kinds of behavior programs, algorithms, or simply action images that tell
us something. These "ideas" are worn not only in the air. They also
penetrate dense and liquid bodies and environment. However, in a gaseous
environment there are them more of all.
Obviously, the scientists,
the creators of quantum mechanics - Einstein, Planck, and Bohr - were
influenced by the idea of being in the universe confrontation between two
main principles - Matter and Spirit, Yin and Yang. Probably this influence over
can explain the famous postulate of quantum mechanics declaring the possibility of
interconversion of mass and energy. Of course, the concepts of quantum
mechanics can be criticized and many of them to refute. In one way or another
we will do it.
Let's talk about
the fact that we are satisfied with the above postulate of interconversion and
what does not and why.
In our book it claims that energy is a synonymous with
Spirit, the second aspect of God. However, any particle (Soul) is a union of
Matter and Spirit. Studying quantum mechanics we can easily see that its
creators contrasted the mass and energy in the same way as in the occultism
Matter and Spirit are opposed. Energy from the standpoint of science – is
a warm, light, electromagnetic or radioactive radiation. Mass is chemical
elements and all of them is. Mass is that radiates energy.
Equate energy on the one hand and the product of mass
and velocity of the other, Einstein essentially invented nothing new. And
earlier, in classical mechanics there are at least three formulas describing
the dependence of energy from mass:
T = mυ ² / 2 (kinetic energy);
p = mυ (impulse);
F = mυ / t (Force).
A new was an application of the laws of classical
mechanics (created for macroscopic objects) in respect to micro-objects. And
the novelty contained in the statement is that mass (chemical elements,
substance) can be converted into energy and evaporate. That is, in
representation of quantum mechanics there is something like mass evaporation.
Surely the founders of quantum mechanics are very
pleased and inspired by the idea that they can shake or even destroy one of the
"untouchables" conservation laws - the Law of Conservation of Mass that
argued that the matter does not arise out of nothing and does not disappear. In
some ways of course, they were right. The very process of heating chemical
elements is a process of transformation, i.e. a changing of the quality of
particles that make up these elements. Heating of a particle – it is really
"Matter, ascended to Heaven", Matter, changing its quality and
turning into Spirit. If you remember, in the transformation process of
particles Yin often in the rear hemisphere a Field of Repulsion appears. And in
Yan particles the Field of Repulsion increases. This process is called in
occultism as "Matter Ascension to Heaven", "Ignition of Lights" and "Rising of Kundalini".
Mass in science is
a symbol of Matter. Energy is a symbol of Spirit. So, as you can see, quantum
mechanics remotely grasped an existence of the Law of Transformation. Quality
of particles is capable to change – Mass is able to ascend to the state of
Energy and comes back.
However we
partially attributed to quantum mechanics what it has not. Yet under the
interconversion of mass and energy quantum mechanics understood completely
different, distinct from our perceptions. Mass in their understanding - it is
rather an amount of substance. And its value may increase or decrease depending
on whether it absorbs or emits that what is called Energy.
Energy in quantum mechanics in contrast to mass - is
something immaterial. Despite the fact that "quantum scientists"
believe that energy is emitted and absorbed by quanta, "portions",
yet in their view this energy after emission or absorption is scattered, spread
out like a drop in the ocean. I.e. in quantum mechanics, quantum of energy
exists only in moments of emission and absorption. The rest time all energy is
one. In this respect, quantum mechanics is in solidarity with the wave theory
of Huygens. However, this is misconceptions. Quanta of energy are forever. They
exist as long as there is this universe, until the occurrence of Mahapralaya.
Quanta of energy are elementary particles that make up everything including all
chemical elements. Emission and absorption of energy by “atom” - it is nothing
like the emission and absorption of elementary particles.
With regard to the mass conservation law the
particular understanding of its meaning - it is a very controversial issue. All
the matter is that there is not only mass, but also antimass. Not only gravity is
but repulsion. And in the law of mass conservation these facts do not count.
When it is alleged that in the course of chemical
reactions, the total mass of initial and final components of the reaction does
not change it's not quite right. Here those solar elementary particles are not
counted that accumulate on the surface of chemical elements. In the course of
chemical reactions, there is a redistribution of the surface particles. Force
fields of the same types of chemical elements in different compounds are of
varying quality. In some compounds, an element acts as a reducing agent - Yin.
In the other it is as the oxidant - Yang. And all is because of the
redistribution of particles on the surface. Although, in general, an overall
qualitative and quantitative composition of each element remains unchanged. The
composition of the surface layer only changes. The number of solar particles
arrives or decreases. The number of those particles that were a part of elements originally, is practically
unchanged. And how many particles Yin (mass) and particle Yang (antimass) were,
and remain so. However, the more exposure of the surface layers can either
strengthen or weaken a mass of any element, i.e. the Field of Attraction value
in areas where the field of such quality appears.
So, as you can see, the Law of Conservation of Mass
needs to be adjusted.
Perhaps the creators of quantum mechanics in general
should not attract this law as an argument and use it to prove that mass
disappears as energy.
The only thing that you can imagine: at a time when
quantum mechanics arises, it was such nonsense - the assertion that atoms
(chemical elements) are not indivisible entities and may consist of quanta of
So, as you can see, this issue is far from to be
considered easy in attainment. But here we are talking not about the ease or
difficulty understanding what processes occur in chemical elements and how they
absorb and emit the elementary particles. Not at all. We are talking about the
complexity of understanding what sense was invested in their assertions by the
creators of quantum mechanics. But let a private misunderstanding not hamper
the process of our general knowledge. Physics of the early twentieth century -
is a history. Let’s take out all the most valuable of it, the rest surrender
into the hands of historians of science.
One becomes apparent when studying quantum mechanics.
Not accidentally physics addicting it, feels to its postulates attitude similar
to religious awe. This branch of science as well as relativistic mechanics and
nuclear physics perfectly enhances a human consciousness.
Thank you for your
Another book of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric
Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” -
The book “New Esoteric Astrology” you can buy here –
The book “Thermodynamics” -
Other books of this series are preparing in English.
And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military
paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war
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