A) Particles Yin – absorbing Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields of Attraction.
Ether tends to move to such particle in accordance with the first principle of the behavior of Ether – "In the ethereal field voids do not appear". This moving in the direction of the particle ethereal flow is a Field of Attraction.
Every particle Yin absorbs per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Because an ethereal field is uniform everywhere, has no compression or sparseness, we can talk about a speed of absorption of Ether. A speed of absorption will just indicate an amount of Ether, absorbed by a particle per unit of time.
B) Particles Yang – emitting Ether – form in the ethereal field of the Universe Fields of Repulsion.
Ether tends to move away from such particle in accordance with the second principle of behavior of Ether – "In the ethereal field the areas with excess density do not appear". This ethereal flow moving away from the particle – is a Field of Repulsion.
Each particle emitting Ether emits per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Emission speed indicates the amount of Ether emitted by particle per unit of time.
Now let's draw a parallel between the physical term that exists in science – mass and the concepts frequently used in this book – Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Particles with Fields of Attraction (Yin) are responsible for the process of gravitation - that is, for attraction to them of other particles. A Field of Attraction – this is mass.
Particles with Fields of Repulsion (Yang) are responsible for the process of anti-gravitation (still unrecognized by official science) – i.e. for the process of repulsion from them other particles. In science, there is not compliance with the concept of Repulsion Field; therefore, we will have to create it. Thus, a Field of Repulsion – is antimass.
I do not think that only I want to combine a formula describing the gravitational interaction of bodies (the Law of gravity) and the formula devoted to the interaction of electric charges (the Coulomb's law). So let's do it!
Need to put an equal sign between the concepts of mass and positive charge, as well as between the concepts of antimass and negative charge.
A positive charge (or mass) characterizes the particles Yin (with Fields of Attraction) – i.e. absorbing Ether from ambient ethereal field.
A negative charge (or antimass) characterizes the particles Yan (with Fields of Repulsion) – i.e. emitting Ether into surrounding ethereal field.
In fact, mass (or positive charge) and antimass (or negative charge) points us to the fact that the particle absorbs (or emits) Ether.
Regarding the principle of electrodynamics that there is a repulsion of equal sign charges (both negative and positive), and an attraction to each other of opposite sign charges, it is not entirely accurate. And the reason for this – is the not quite true interpretation of experiments on electromagnetism.
Particles with the Fields of Attraction (positively charged) never repel each other. They only attract and are attracted. But particles with the Fields of Repulsion (negatively charged), indeed, always repel from each other (including from the negative pole of a magnet).
Particles with the Fields of Attraction (positively charged) attract to themselves any particles: negatively charged (with the Fields of Repulsion) and positively charged (with the Fields of Attraction). However, if both particles have Fields of Attraction, then those of them whose Gravity Field is more, increasingly shift to its other particle than it does a particle with a smaller Field of Attraction.
In physics a matter is bodies, as well as chemical elements from which these bodies are built and yet elementary particles. In general it can be considered approximately true the use of the term in this way. Matter in fact, from the esoteric point of view, is Force centers, i.e. elementary particles. Chemical elements are built up of elementary particles, and bodies – of chemical elements. But eventually turns out that all consist of elementary particles. But to be accurate, then we see around us not the Matter, and Souls – that is, elementary particles. An elementary particle in contrast to the void space (i.e., in contrast of Soul to Matter) is endowed with the quality – in it Ether appears and disappears.
The concept of substance can be considered as synonym with the used by physics concept of matter. Substance – is, quite literally, what constitutes things surrounding a person – that is, chemical elements and their compounds. Chemical elements, as already mentioned, consist of elementary particles.
For the substance in science there are concepts-antonyms – anti-substance and antimatter, which are synonyms to each other.
Scientists recognize an existence of antimatter. However, what they take to be anti-matter, in reality is not that. In fact, antimatter always is on hand of science and was indirectly discovered a long time ago, since then experiments on electromagnetism are began to conduct. A manifestation of its existence we can constantly feel in the world around us. Antimatter in the universe came together with matter at the very moment when elementary particles (Souls) appear. Substance – it’s particles Yin (i.e. particles with Fields of Attraction). Anti-substance – it’s particles Yang (particles with Fields of Repulsion).
Properties of particles Yin and Yang are directly opposite, in connection with which they are well suited to the role of the required matter and antimatter.
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